Page 12 of Drilling Deep

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Titan and I haven’t shared any moments like we did that first morning outside his office. I still feel his hand cupping my cheek, however brief the contact was. Those deep blue-gray eyes bored into me when I told him I thought all he wanted was a safe place to call home. Something happened in that moment. I could tell my words struck him, but I had no idea why.

A knock startles me from my thoughts, and I rush to the door, opening it a crack. Titan is on the other side, his biceps nearly filling the doorway. I still can’t believe he lives in such tight quarters. I’d be claustrophobic.

Titan’s eyes trail down my body, and I remember I’m wearing my pajama short-shorts and a tank top sans bra. I’m about to slam the door shut and throw on a giant hoodie and the baggiest pants I own when I catch the heated look in his eyes.

I don’t believe it at first, but when I slowly inch the door open, I see the lust flickering in his gaze as he trails his eyes down my curves. Knowing he likes what he sees, I boldly open the door completely, inviting him inside.

“Do you always answer the door wearing hardly any clothes?” he grunts, snapping his eyes from my exposed thighs to my face.

I should be upset that he’s trying to police my outfit, but truthfully, his jealousy is kind of cute. I can’t wrap my mind around why someone with the body of a Greek god would find me appealing in any way, but it’s definitely an ego boost.

“I don’t get many visitors,” I answer cheekily, grinning when his jaw ticks.

“Have you hadanyvisitors?” Titan asks, every muscle in his body tense.

I let him sweat it out a moment longer before shaking my head no. “Only you,” I tell him with a bright smile.

He narrows his eyes at me, the grunts, finally stepping inside. Titan shifts awkwardly, and I get the sudden urge to hug him and tell him he doesn’t have to be afraid to make a friend.

“So, what’s up?” I ask.

“You missed dinner. Here.”

I notice for the first time that he’s holding a tray wrapped in plastic wrap to keep it fresh.

“I didn’t know what you liked, so I got you a bit of everything.”

I take the tray, my eyes widening at how heavy it is. “Thanks. I think I’ll have leftovers until I leave,” I joke. Even as I say the words, my stomach twists. I don’t like the thought of not seeing Titan every morning. I could do without the ship, cabin, and oil rig situation, but Titan… he’s something special.

“Is everything okay?” he asks after a beat. “I wasn’t sure if you weren’t feeling well, homesick, or, uh…” Titan looks around to see if anyone is near. Of course, everyone else is down in the barracks. When he’s satisfied that the coast is clear, he whispers, “Maybe it’s that time of the month?”

I burst out laughing, loving the deep blush staining his cheeks. “No, I’m not on my period, but thanks for your thorough consideration.”

“Oh. Sure. Sorry. I didn’t mean to cross a line. I just–”

I place the tray on the desk beside me, then rest my hand on his forearm. “Titan, I’m just teasing,” I tell him. “I find it amusing that guys get so squeamish around period stuff.”

“I’m not squeamish,” he protests, puffing out his chest.

“Whatever you say, Foreman.” I salute him, earning me a rare smirk. He hardly ever deviates from his usual stoic face, so this feels like a huge win. “I’m not sick, and I’m not homesick. I was talking to my dad on the phone and lost track of time.”

“Oh. How did that go? It sounds… not good?”

“It was about as good as it ever is.” I sigh. “A quick call to check in, but not about me, about whatever project I’m working on or accomplishment I’m aiming toward. He wants short and sweet facts to tell friends at parties, so I’ve learned not to burden him with details.” I realize I’m unloading on him, but I can’t seem to stop now. “This time, I made the mistake of trying to talk to him about what we’ve been doing. Did he care? No. Just wanted me to know I’m wasting my life working with computers when I should be waiting for a husband.”

After I finish my rant, I look up at Titan, who has his eyes fixed on me.

“Anyway, sorry. I didn’t realize I was so worked up about that.”

“No need to apologize,” he says, taking a step closer to me. “Your dad sounds like a dick.”

This startles a laugh out of me, and I’m thrilled to see another hint of a smile on his lips.

“He can be, for sure. What about your family? Do your parents approve of your career choice?”

The mood instantly changes. Titan’s eyes turn dark, his jaw set, and his muscles tense to the point of shaking.

I’m unsure what I said, but I put my hands out, palms up, showing him I meant no offense. “I didn’t mean to pry,” I say softly.
