Page 16 of Drilling Deep

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Cora blushes, her cheeks turning pink. The fire in her eyes lets me know she’s very much ready for more. “Yeah, I guess that’s the responsible thing.”

“You go clean up, princess,” I tell her, nuzzling into the side of her neck. I can’t seem to stop touching her and breathing her in. “I’ll straighten up in here.”

Cora pops her head up, looking around the office for the first time. “Oops,” she says with an adorable giggle.

The desk is a complete mess, with stacks of papers tipped over and scattered on the floor.

“Worth it,” I murmur, licking her pulse point and nipping her there.

She giggles again and nods before hopping off of my lap. “Be right back,” she says, sashaying away.

Yeah, there’s no way I’m letting her go now. Not after what we just shared.



“Why didn’t I pack any makeup?” I mutter to myself as I dig through my suitcase. I know why I didn’t. It never crossed my mind that I’d meet someone I’d want to impress while on the rig. Right now, however, I’m kicking myself.

After everything that happened this morning, Titan and I managed to get a few hours of work in before he pulled me down into his lap and kissed me until I couldn’t breathe. At that point, he decided he needed to go down to the drilling floor to work off some of his energy, or we wouldn’t get anything done.

I’m still reeling over the turn of events when I showed up at Titan’s office earlier. I got there right on time, but I couldn’t bring myself to go inside. After a restless night of sleep, I’d convinced myself I’d crossed a line. I wanted a kiss, not Titan. Furthermore, I deduced that I’dstolena kiss from the man. Not just any man. My boss—however temporary that might be.

At that moment, I thought we were both on board. But when he stepped away from me and practically sprinted through the door, I realized I’d screwed up. I let my emotions get the best of me. I let my burning crush for the older man take over and jumped to conclusions.

When Titan swung the door open and fixed his gaze on me, every doubt flew out of my head. And when he pulled me inside and fused his lips to mine, I knew I had it all wrong. Titan wasn’t pushing me away; he was holding himself back.

A gentle knock on the door focuses my thoughts on the present moment.He’s here.

We made plans for Titan to come to the cabin about an hour after dinner. I hardly ate, knowing what I hoped the rest of the night would hold. Am I jumping in too quickly? Maybe. But my heart knows his. I feel more connected to this man than anyone I’ve ever met. That has to mean something, right?

I wipe my sweaty palms on my leggings, taking one last breath before opening the door. I’m greeted with a wall of muscle begging to burst through the tight white shirt stretched over them. Tilting my head up, my eyes catch Titan’s, and a shiver works through my entire body.

He’s possessed. Nearly feral.

Over me?

I shriek out a laugh as Titan scoops me up in his arms and carries me inside. He grunts, setting me down on my feet before kicking the door shut. His lips find mine, and he breathes me in as he consumes me.

Our kiss turns more urgent, both of our bodies crying out for more, more,more. My fingers find the hem of his shirt, and I lift it, my hands gliding over his defined muscles and taut skin.

“Cora…” he groans. “What are you doing to me?”

I look up at him with a devilish smirk. “Whatever I want.”

With that, I tug on his shirt, and Titan helps me by ripping it in half. I blink at him a few times, staring at the torn fabric and his sculpted body. Then I push the fabric off his shoulders and flatten my tongue against his stomach, licking up toward his chest while never breaking eye contact.

“Fuck,” he grunts before winding his fingers in my hair and tipping my head back so he can devour me.

His hands grip the hem of my shirt, and I lift my arms so he can take it off. He growls, the savage sound matching the look in his dark blue eyes. Titan slowly ghosts his fingertips down my neck and across my shoulder, making me feel precious and cared for even when we’re both wild with lust.

He unclasps my bra, letting it fall from my chest. Titan hums in approval, his eyes swimming all over my body as waves of anticipation lap at my nerves. His eyes lock on my breasts, and he cups them in his hands, groaning as he bends down and kisses my sensitive flesh. The warmth of his tongue on my nipple, followed by a sharp, sucking sensation, pulls a whimper from deep in my core.

“Is this what you wanted, my sexy little siren?” he rasps, lifting his head so we’re eye to eye. “You want to drive me fucking crazy?”

“I was hoping to seduce you,” I breathe out, my voice deeper than usual, filled with a desperate need.

“You’ve been seducing me since the first moment you fell into my arms,” he murmurs, a playful smile curling up his lips.
