Page 106 of Saving Rain

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“You definitely weren't eating a sandwich.”

I lifted my head to find her gaze with mine. I smiled when I saw her looking up at me with a monumental amount of affection. So much that I had to remind my heart to keep beating for her. Always for her.

“Was I … was I riding my bike?”

She shook her head, giggling again past her bitten lip. “No … but you were definitely riding something.”

“WasIriding something”—I raised one brow and widened my grin—“or were you?”

Ray’s elated smile filled the darkened room with sunshine as she laughed and pulled my mouth to hers.

“Both,” she whispered before capturing my lips in a kiss that forced the breath from my lungs.

In a flurry of tangled tongues and lips, we moved in the hazy glow of the rising sun, barely peeking through the blinds on her window. Her shirt was lifted and thrown to the floor, and my pajama pants met the same fate shortly after. I rolled to my back, giving her the freedom to take back the reins, and she did. Straddling my lap, guiding my throbbing, single-minded dick to the one and only place it ever wanted to be.

“Fuck,” I hissed through clenched teeth as her body joined mine and sank lower, taking me deeper. “Jesus, Ray.”

She answered with a muffled hum, smiling as if she were dreaming, and then she began to move. Rocking against me like the waves sloshing against the shore, lulling me toward the edge with her steady rhythm, before drawing me under to drown in a euphoric sea.

“Sol … Soldier,” she gasped, clawing at my chest and clinging tight to whatever she could grab. “I’m … I’m going to …”

“Yes,” I urged, encircling her waist with my greedy hands. “Let me feel it, baby.God…”

Ray had given me so much in the months since we'd gotten together.

The promise of good, home-cooked meals every night; the chance to be a positive role model for her son; another form of transportation; a warm body to sleep with every night we were able. And the realization that sex and orgasm could be anything more than a simple means to an end.

With every gift offered, I accepted and fell deeper into everything I felt for her, and the quick descent only continued as we collided in a chorus of quiet moans and gasps and heavy breathing. Our foreheads kissed, our eyes locked, and our hearts hammered with every pulse given and taken until there was nothing left to do but collapse in a heap of sweat and elation.

“Okay, I can go back to sleep now,” I muttered, wrapping my arms around her bareshouldersand holding her tight.

“Mmhmm,” she muttered with a nod, smiling against my chest. “We could probably get a solid hour or two in before we have to get up.”

I stroked my thumb against her cheek. “I like the way you think.”

The seconds ticked by to remind me I was still exhausted, and before I knew it, my limbs had grown heavy, and my breathing had slowed. I was moments away from comfortable sleep when my thumb grazed over a new wetness against her cheek, and I frowned.

“Hey,” I whispered, my voice rough and groggy. “Why are you crying?”

Ray released a shaky breath and swallowed. “I just … I really like you.”

My heart ached just beneath her ear as I replied, “I really like you too.”

“No.” She sniffled. “I mean, Ireallylike you, Soldier.”

I furrowed my brow, uncertain if I had said anything different or misunderstood. “Okay … and I really—”

She scrambled to lift onto her elbow, and I opened my eyes to stare into the watery green abyss of hers. God, how the hell could she look so sad, so worried, when we had just shared the most incredible, intense orgasm of my life?

“I have never liked someone as much as I like you …ever,” she said, and I began to wonder if she intended to say a word other thanlike. “I have never had something as good as this before.”

I gently nodded. “Neither have I,” I whispered as my eyes searched hers for the things she wasn’t saying, unsure of why I was whispering at all.

“And I’m just so”—her tears startled me by falling harder, faster, as her hand flattened to my chest—“soscared of losing it.”

“Ray …” I shook my head, lifting my hand to collect her tears in my palm. “I’m not going anywhere, okay? I have nowhere else to go, and even if I did, I’d only want to be here. With you. And Noah. Okay? So, don’t ever worry about that.”

She squeezed her eyes shut, pushing more tears between her lashes as she nodded rapidly. “I-I know. I b-believe you, but …” She shuddered with a quiet sob. “I’m just s-s-so worried, and I can’tst-stop worrying, and … and I d-don’t know w-w-why.”
