Page 3 of My Last Fling

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Layna.I almost smile as I repeat the name in my head. So, that’s her name. I risk a glance at her and realize she’s already studying me. I can hear my brother talking, but I’m not paying him any attention. All my focus is on a pair of brown eyes and full lips that are curved into a knowing smile. If I didn’t know better, I’d think Layna was issuing me a challenge with that look. This is a far cry from the woman who’d blushed so prettily only 15 minutes earlier. It makes me realize that I know nothing about this woman. Testing the waters, I hold her gaze and raise one brow. I don’t even know what sort of challenge I’m issuing to her, but when she downs the rest of her drink in one quick gulp, I feel my lips twitch into a half-smile.

“You guys should join us,” Layna says, her eyes still on me.

When Piper nods her agreement and makes room for Luke to sit next to her, I feel my heartbeat speed up. Instead of taking the empty seat beside Layna, I look pointedly at her empty glass before meeting her gaze again.

“I’ll go get us another round of drinks,” I say.

Layna stands before I realize her intent. Smiling up at me, she says, “I’ll go with you.”

If I thought my heart was pounding before, it’s nothing compared to what it’s doing now. Not to mention the way my dick is rapidly hardening in my pants at her nearness. I catch a hint of her perfume and inhale deeply through my nose, trying to memorize the scent.

“After you,” I say softly, gesturing toward the bar.

Layna dips her head in the faintest of nods and leads the way to the bar. My gaze strays down to her ass as she walks. She’s wearing a pair of jeans that hug her hips and thighs and have my hands itching to reach out and grip those curves. I watch the sway of her hips as she walks before realizing that everyone can probably see me ogling this woman. Not that any of them can blame me for looking. She’s got the best ass I’ve ever seen. When we reach the bar, Layna turns to face me.

“Enjoy the view?” she asks, raising a brow in challenge.

A laugh escapes me before I can stop it. “Guilty,” I admit. “I’m sorry.”

Her lips curve into a smile. “Don’t be. I’m not.”

Her gaze travels slowly down the length of my body before coming back up to my face. If I’d wondered whether she was interested before, I have my answer now with that one lingering look. I lean a little closer to her.

“Enjoy the view?” I whisper.

“Not as much as I could if we were alone,” she whispers back.

Holy shit.My cock stiffens in my jeans, and I have the primal urge to drag her off to my office right now. Which is insane, right? I just met this woman. I know nothing about her aside from her name and the fact that she doesn’t live in Peach Tree. That, and she’s clearly a bold woman who’s not afraid to speak her mind. That fact is almost as sexy as her ass in those jeans.

“Is that what you want?” I murmur.Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes.

“Maybe,” she says with a smile. “But I’ll settle for another old fashioned.”

I grin at her, my mind reeling with all the possibilities that lay before me.

“Your wish is my command,” I say before waving the bartender over.

“Careful,” she murmurs as the drinks are placed before us. “I have a vivid imagination.”

With a wink, she picks up two of the drinks and turns to walk back to the booth, leaving me to bring the other four drinks. I watch her walk away, my gaze dropping to her ass again as I smile. If her imagination is anything like mine, I’m in for a wild night.

When we rejoin the others, I do my best to pay attention to the conversation flowing around me. I even manage to chime in here and there. But most of my focus is on the brunette seated beside me, even though she doesn’t seem to be nearly as affected by my presence. Since we returned from the bar, she seems almost indifferent to me. Which is unfortunate when her mere scent in my nose is enough to drive me wild. I wonder if the others can tell how distracted I am by her nearness. By the time I order a round of shots and Layna starts interrogating her sister and Luke about their fake relationship, I’m on the verge of throwing her over my shoulder and carrying her back to my office.

I can’t seem to figure her out. She’d definitely been flirting with me earlier at the bar. But now that we’re sitting with the others, she’s practically ignoring me. Is this some sort of game for her? If so, I’m not sure I want to play it. I prefer being direct and honest about what I want. Most of the women I’ve been with have appreciated that fact about me. If I get a chance to talk to Layna alone, I’m going to be direct and tell her all the dirty fantasies I’d like to reenact with her.

Just when I’m starting to wonder if I imagined the entire encounter at the bar, I feel a hand on my thigh. I nearly jump at the unexpected contact, but I somehow manage to keep my composure. I risk a glance down and see Layna’s manicured hand resting on my jean-clad thigh. The sight alone is enough to send the blood rushing straight to my dick.

I look up and realize that Piper and Luke are no longer seated at the table with us. When had they left? I didn’t notice them leaving, but after a quick glance around the room, I spot them on the dance floor. Layna’s hand inches higher up my thigh and I feel myself go rock hard. Harlow and Linc aren’t paying us any attention. In fact, they both look like they’d rather be anywhere else. With the party split up, I decide to test my luck with Layna.

Smiling over at my brother, I say, “I forgot, there’s something I need to handle in my office.”

I gesture in the direction of the back hallway that leads to my private office. Linc nods and leans forward over the table.

“It’s getting a little late,” he says. “I think I’m going to head home soon.”

I know I should feel guilty for the relief I feel at the idea of him leaving. This means less witnesses to my potential hookup with Layna. Speaking of, her hand has now traveled even higher to rest on my hip. I do my best to give my brother a look of disappointment, but I’m not sure how believable it is.

“Don’t leave yet,” I say. “I’ll be back in no time.”
