Page 5 of My Last Fling

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“Fine,” she grumbles. “But if I faint from nerves, you better catch me.”

“As the maid of honor, I delegate that task to your other bridesmaid,” I say.

“Harlow’s too short,” Piper says. “She’d get squished.”

“What does height have to do with anything?” I argue.

“I don’t know,” she says. “But I think you have a better chance of catching me.”

“We’ll make it a team effort,” I concede. Glancing at the clock, I wince. “But I really do need to get off the phone if I’m going to be on time for work.”

“Shit,” Piper says. “Sorry I kept you so long! Thanks for talking me off the ledge. You’re the best.”

I ignore the twinge of guilt I feel at my lie. “What are sisters for?”

“Love you!”

I try to inject the right amount of cheer into my voice. “Love you, too!”

I end the call with a sigh before setting my phone on the nightstand. I love my sister. She’s honestly my favorite person on the planet. But lately, I’ve found myself struggling to be the reassuring presence she needs. And since she’s constantly stressed over the wedding these days, it seems all I’ve been doing is reassuring her. Which means I constantly feel like I’m failing her.

“Everything okay?” says a male voice from the foot of the bed, pulling me out of my musings.

Opening my eyes, I look up to meet the intense gaze of the man standing naked before me. I’d tried to ignore his silent presence while I was talking to Piper, but looking at him now I don’t know how I managed. The sheer sexiness of this man never fails to surprise me. I’ve seen him naked more times than I can count over the last year or more, and I’m still obsessed with his body. My eyes track over him, taking in the messy dark hair, muscled chest covered with a light dusting of hair and those sculpted abs that I know for a fact feel as good as they look. Dragging my gaze lower, I take in the impressive erection that’s angling toward me. I drag in a shaky breath as desire coils tightly within me.

Nodding, I say, “Yeah. My sister is just stressed about the wedding.”

He studies my face in that way that always makes me a little uncomfortable. “Is there anything I can do? Do you need to go?”

I immediately shy away from his offer. That’s not why we’re here today. I shake my head and grin over at him, making it clear that my sister is the last thing I’m thinking of right now.

“The only thing you can do is put that to use,” I say in a low, flirty tone, my gaze going down to his massive cock.

He grins and reaches out to grip my ankles in his hands. “Yes, ma’am.”

A startled laugh escapes me as he drags me down the length of the bed until my ass is just at the edge of the mattress. It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell him not to call me “ma’am”, but then he drops to his knees in front of me and drapes my legs over his shoulders. Then his mouth is on me, planting open-mouth kisses on my inner thighs.Oh, shit. My eyes fall closed as his mouth moves to my center, licking and kissing my wet slit. It should be a crime for him to be this good at eating pussy.

My thoughts immediately scatter, and I can only focus on the pleasure radiating up from where his mouth caresses me. I love this moment. The moment where I can let go of everything and just be. No one is looking to me for advice or to fix things. No one expects anything of me. Nothing else matters when I’m hovering on the verge of orgasm. And the orgasm is a sure bet. If I know anything about this man, it’s that he takes pride in making women come. We’ve had sex dozens of times since we started this thing, and he’s never left me unsatisfied. Not once.

I gasp as his tongue circles my clit. My hands fist in the sheets and my eyes fall closed. I can feel desire coiling tighter inside me, pushing me closer to the sweet oblivion I crave. I focus on the sensations spreading outward from my center where his lips and tongue are turning me into a writhing ball of need.

“Please,” I gasp.

He growls against my clit, sending fresh shivers through my body. It’s an acknowledgement of sorts. This man knows my body so well; knows what I need almost better than I do. At least, when it comes to sex. He’s so attuned to my needs. It’s always been like this between us, even if what we have doesn’t go beyond sex. Since our first time together, he and I have been so in sync with each other’s bodies. It’s almost eerie the way he’s able to play my body like an instrument. But I’ve given up analyzing the why of that. It’s easier to just go with it. At least, it’s more fun.

I feel his fingers as they spread me open, allowing him better access to my clit.Fuck, that feels good.I’m so close to coming all over his face and he knows it. My body feels like it might combust if I don’t release this tension in me. That’s when I feel him slide two fingers deep inside me, thrusting in all at once. It’s just what I need, and I cry out as my body clamps down tight against those two thick fingers.

“Oh, god! I’m coming!”

He keeps licking and sucking my clit as I pulse around him, squeezing his fingers through my orgasm. My legs move with a mind of their own, clamping down on his head. Eventually, his tongue slows and gentles against me as I come down from my climax. His fingers slow, moving lazily in and out of me until the flutters finally stop. Turning his head, he kisses my inner thigh, sending another shiver through me. I sigh.

“It should be illegal to be that good at that,” I say, giving voice to my earlier thought.

He grins up at me, his teeth white in the dim light as he crawls up the bed over me.

“Lucky for me, it’s not against the law to make a beautiful woman come on my face,” he says.

He lowers his head to take my nipple into his mouth. He sucks hard, sending a new jolt of arousal straight to my core. The sharp sting of pleasure mixed with pain has me gasping as I bury my fingers in his dark hair, holding him to me.
