Page 63 of My Last Fling

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She’s quiet for several seconds and I feel a little guilty for dismissing her the way I did.

“What are you drinking?” I ask.

She smiles. “Rum and coke.”

When the bartender finally approaches, I add Ava’s rum and coke to my tab before telling her I’d like to close out for the night.

“Leaving so soon?” Ava asks.

“I’ve got a groom to strangle and a wedding to ruin. Big night.”

She laughs. “Don’t be too hard on your friend. He’s just looking out for you.”

I sigh again because I know she’s right. Luke was just trying to make me laugh, and maybe help me hook up. There’s no way he can know that I’ve stopped doing things like that. It’s not like we’ve had wild nights out over the past year or so. And I kept my fling with Layna a secret from everyone. He’s just falling back on some of the crazy things we did when we were younger.

“I know,” I say. “He’s still an ass.”

An idea occurs to me. A way to get back at Luke for his little game.

“What were the terms of the bet?” I ask. “The exact wording?”

She thinks for a moment before answering. “He just said, ‘I’ll give you 50 bucks if you can get that grumpy guy over there to kiss you.’”

“That’s all?” I ask. “He didn’t say anything else?”

She shakes her head.

“Ava, you’re about to be fifty dollars richer,” I say, leaning toward her. “Is he still watching?”

She glances over before nodding. “Yeah.”

“Good,” I say, leaning even closer to her.

Reaching down, I take her hand in mine and lift it to my lips, planting a chaste kiss on her knuckles. At the same time. I turn my head just enough to meet Luke’s gaze and flip him the bird with my other hand. He immediately bursts into a fit of laughter.

“Terms have been met,” I tell Ava. “Don’t forget to collect your money.”

She looks up at me, blue eyes wide as she nods. The bartender returns with my card and I sign the slip before handing Ava her drink.

“Have a good night, Ava,” I say, giving her upper arm a slight squeeze as I brush past her to return to the table.

When I pass Luke, he’s still laughing.

“Give the girl her money,” I say.

Chapter 28


I feel like a giant weight has been lifted from my shoulders since breaking things off with Michael this morning. I’ve felt more like myself than I have in weeks. It’s not that he was a bad guy or anything. He just wasn’t right for me. He wanted someone more like the old me. Someone more like the woman I was before I moved to Peach Tree. But that’s not me anymore. I’ve changed into this new version of myself, and I need to figure out what she wants. I’m sure Michael will find someone who suits him and wants the same things he does. But that person isn’t me. As for myself, I’m going to be patient and wait for the right man to come along at the right time. I even deleted my online dating profile after returning from the boudoir session.

But tonight, I’m not thinking about men or dating. Tonight, I’m going to focus on my sister and celebrating her last night as an unmarried woman. So, when Mya suggests we go to a dance club, I’m the first to raise my hand in favor. Today’s photo shoot not only gave me a much-needed boost of self-confidence, but it made me want to celebrate my body and my femininity. I make my way to the front of the party bus and give the driver our new destination. As I make my way back to my seat, Mya hands me a full glass of champagne. I take it without missing a step and smile my thanks.

“To Piper!” Mya shouts. “Though I don’t know why anyone would willingly join the Wolfe family, I know I’m happy to have you as my new sister.”

Piper laughs. “As long as your father stays far away, I’m happy to have Luke’s last name.”

“Cheers!” Quinn shouts, raising her glass high.
