Page 7 of My Last Fling

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“I want to watch that sexy ass bounce on my cock,” I whisper against her skin.

Layna shivers as she lets out a shaky breath. I know how my dirty talk affects her. She loves it when I tell her exactly what I want to do to her body. I feel my dick stir as I imagine what I just described. It’s easy to picture. I’ve had her bent over so many times before that the image is practically branded into my mind. If she weren’t already running late, I might be able to convince her to go for round two. But, since I know she’d be pissed if I made her late for a meeting, I let her pull away from me.

“There isn’t going to be a next time,” she says, pulling away from me before tossing my shirt at me.

I huff out a laugh as I pull the shirt over my head. “Yeah, you’ve said that before.”

She shrugs. “This time I mean it.”

“You’ve said that before, too,” I say.

“I’m serious this time, Cole,” she says, turning to look at me fully. “This was the last time.”

I sit on the edge of her bed and pull on a sock. I search the floor for the other one, trying to remember where I might have tossed it. I don’t even remember taking my socks off. I’d been too preoccupied with getting Layna naked.

“On the dresser,” she says.

Glancing over, I see that she’s right and my missing sock somehow ended up on the dresser.

“Thanks,” I say, making my way across the room to retrieve it.

“Why now?” I ask, turning to watch as she buttons a white blouse, covering those amazing tits I’d been feasting on only a half hour earlier. I feel my dick twitch at the memory.

“Because it’s time,” she says vaguely.

“That’s not an answer,” I insist, pulling the sock onto my foot. “Tell me why.”

She sighs. “Fine. I’ve decided I need to get serious about my future. With Piper’s wedding coming up and seeing Harlow settled with your brother, I’ve realized I’m too old for flings. It’s time for me to find the right guy, too. I can’t do that if I’m still sneaking around with you.”

I try to ignore the sting of that comment and deflect with humor. My specialty.

“What am I? Chopped liver?” I say with a grin.

Layna rolls her eyes, but she’s smiling. “You don’t want to settle down,” she says. “You’ve said so yourself. Besides, you’re too young for me.”

I scoff. “You make it sound like you’ve been robbing the cradle or something. Eight years isn’t that big of a deal.”

“Almost nine,” she corrects.

Now, it’s my turn to roll my eyes. “Whatever. We’re both consenting adults. I don’t see what the big deal is.”

“That’s because I’m older and wiser.”

I laugh because it’s clear that’s the reaction she wants. But inside, I’m starting to worry. She’s really ending things. She’s tried it before, but she always changed her mind. Something about her tone today and the way she won’t meet my gaze makes me believe her this time.

“You’re serious?” I ask. “You really don’t want any of this anymore?”

I gesture down at my body, wiggling my eyebrows at her suggestively. She finally looks at me, a smile playing on her lips. But it’s what I see in her eyes that makes me finally believe her words. There’s a hint of sadness there, but it’s mixed with resolved determination. She really means it this time. She’s finished with me.

“We both knew this was temporary,” she says, her voice softer than before.

It’s that softness in her tone that feels like a stab to the chest. It hits me harder than any sharp words could have. She’s right, I know. We’ve always agreed that this thing between us wasn’t serious. It was temporary. Two friends scratching a mutual itch. But when it kept going for a year with no signs of stopping, I’d started to wonder if maybe it could be something more. It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask her to reconsider. To ask her on a date. To see if we could try this for real.

“I have a date,” she says, her voice loud in the quiet room.

It takes me several seconds to understand the meaning of her words. When I do, something twists painfully in my chest. A date? She hasn’t dated anyone since we started sleeping together. It was one of the rules we made back in the beginning. If either of us was ever ready to start dating, we would end this. No hard feelings. No repercussions. Back to friends. No benefits. Those four words do more to prove she’s serious than any other explanation would have. I give her a single nod.

“Okay,” I say. I force myself to smile.
