Page 24 of Brave

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“Good boy.” He didn’t tell his good boy what he was going to do, though. Master’s eyes just sparkled with mischief as he closed my door and went around to the driver’s side.

Just the wait for him to get into the car had my heart pounding, and I had a completely unreasonable desire to crawl into the back seat and hide. I tried to look relaxed as Master shut his door, but he took one look at me and knew right away. “My nervous boy.”

Yes, but that didn’t seem to chase him away.

He smiled and reached out to cup my cheek. “Close your eyes, sweetie.”

That was much easier to obey than his suggestion about not worrying as we drove to the club. “Good boy.”

I heard Master move and then felt his lips brush against my forehead. “I can’t wait to feel your hands running all over me.”

Another gentle kiss touched my cheek. “I can’t wait to feel your hard cock rubbing against me as you squirm on my lap, your hands exploring my chest.”

It was so easy to imagine I couldn’t help moaning as my hands twitched on my lap. Master made a low sound that was filled with desire and went right through me. “I can’t wait to smell how turned on you get and to feel your slick hole pulsing with need as you kiss and lick me all over.”

Master kissed me again, inching closer to my lips. “You’ve got so many dirty fantasies running through your head, I bet you’re already hard and achingly empty for me.”

I heard myself whine as his lips finally touched mine, giving me the sweetest kiss. “You’re such a naughty, needy boy. But that’s why I’m going to take good care of you.”

That seemed to start with another kiss, deeper but still almost innocent as he nibbled on my lower lip before pulling away. “Eyes closed if you want a reward for being a good boy.”

Eyes open to stop.

Eyes closed to play?

I liked that game and found myself nodding before I’d even thought about what it might entail. “I’ll be good.”

Especially if I could hide.

“I hope so.” Master’s fingers trailed along my jaw until he was teasing my neck, working his way lower as I shivered.

Somewhere in the background I heard the car start and I could feel him shifting, but it seemed far away. Master’s light touch skimming over my chest and the sexy words and sounds that came out of him were the only things at the front of my mind. “That’s right. Such a pretty bulge. I can’t wait to see my naughty boy naked and squirming.”

I was already wiggling in my seat, so it probably wasn’t too hard to imagine, honestly. Just thinking about it made my face heat up and I knew I was blushing, but I could also feel my dick getting even harder and my ass was already throbbing with need.

Master’s hand was painfully slow as he teased over my nipples and inched lower and lower on my torso. It felt never-ending, like he was just fucking with me to keep me hard and desperate, and it just made me want him even more.

He was so nice to keep me distracted.

Logically in the back of my head I knew that was what he was doing, but it was so perfect I couldn’t wait to tell Austin what a wonderful Dom he was. And that he had an incredibly dirty imagination because his sweet praise kept me right on the edge of desperate until the car stopped again.

Right as the tips of his fingers barely grazed the head of my erection.

“Eyes open, sweetie.” Master moved his hand away, kissing my cheek sweetly. “We’re here.”

Maybe he wasn’t very nice after all.

Chapter 7


Oh, he was so cute when he was frustrated…but he was distracted and not worried any longer, so I didn’t mind the low huff he made as my hand moved back from the sexiest bulge I’d ever seen. “Let’s go in, sweet boy.”

He had the sweetest pout ever and even looked sadly down at his erection before sighing. “Yes, Master.”

Smiling would not have been the right response but he was too delightful to frown at, so I did my best to just ignore his drama. “Good boy.”

Giving him another quick peck on the cheek, I unbuckled and reached for the door. “Wait for me and I’ll come and help you out.”
