Page 52 of Brave

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Did anyone know where Eddie lived?

“Then just tell him he needs to ask me since…since Ansel is mine.” Wonderful. I hadn’t called him Daddy or Master. “I don’t need to know everything about him yet. Austin is…well, he worries.”

Eddie scoffed and raised one eyebrow. “That’s what you’re going with?”

Nodding, I ignored his drama about Austin. “Should I call him and try to tell him no?”

I wasn’t sure what that would actually accomplish or if I could even do it, but when Eddie looked up at the ceiling and started talking to himself, I took that as a no. Thank goodness. “I’ll let you handle this, then.”

And I’d distract Austin with toys and crayons if he came over to talk me into doing things his way.

Oh, I had frosted animal cookies. He liked those kinds of distractions. Once we’d realized what my kind of submission was and that it had a name and rules and everything, he hadn’t gotten nervous playing with me. So it’d probably work if I tried very hard and looked very cute.

Eddie was still feeling dramatic and just reached out to hit a button, disconnecting the video call. He’d completely distracted me, and I ended up spending several hours finding the backdoor Eddie had somehow snuck into my calendar program while I grumbled about Austin being overprotective.

Then I had to spend several more hours fixing it so that every time he typed the letterR, his computer would roar.

By the end of the day, I’d gotten almost nothing productive done that would earn a paycheck but my little side was delighted, so I decided I was going to count it as a win…because that meant I could justify being done for the day.

My little side thought that was wonderful too, so I bounced out of my office and into the playroom. I couldn’t help smiling when I pictured Daddy climbing out of the fort the other night. He’d looked even bigger wiggling out and frowning, but he’d played and read me books and had done all kinds of other fun things.

Grown-up fun things.

And he hadn’t been embarrassed or worried and he’d been silly.

And he’d given me good kisses.

And he’d made me his bunny.

Oh, I should be his bunny again.

Bouncing the rest of the way into the playroom, I stripped off my grown-up clothes and hopped over to the basket that had my undies.

“Bunny undies for a bunny boy.” Austin found the best undies.

Once I had my outfit on, I bounced around and decided to show Daddy first. “Daddy needs to see his bunny. Then the bunny will get a snack.”

But not anything yucky.

Bunnies liked Chinese food and noodles and bananas and yogurt and… “Oh, bunny needs a bunny salad for dinner. But first…Daddy…” Hmm, where was Daddy? “Oh, where is my phone?”

Yes, that was a better question.

Hopping back to the bunny’s computer, I giggled when I thought about how frustrated Eddie was going to be. He’d fix it fast but he’d still be mad that I got him. “But Daddy wouldn’t be fast…”

Daddy would think I was funny, though.

Daddy liked it when I was happy.

He said I was smart for working with computers and Daddy was smart because he hadn’t asked what I did. I liked not having to lie to Daddy.

Yes, Daddy needed a reward, and laughing was a wonderful reward.

Curling up in my chair, I was amazing and found my phone and my idea all at the same time. “Yep, Daddy was right. I’msosmart.”

I was also very cute as I took a selfie of me making a bunny face. “Daddy won’t be able to resist.”

And really, Daddy was so nice, he wouldn’t be suspicious at all.
