Page 70 of Brave

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Yes, that was very important.

Daddy must’ve thought the same thing because as I went back to sucking on his nipple, he made the best sound and erupted between us, his cum flooding my hands.

That had to mean I was going to get to play with my toy, right?

Moans and orgasms and kisses and eating a good breakfast should mean I got to play.

That just seemed fair and I had the nicest Daddy ever.

Yes, definitely fair.

Chapter 19


“What if…what if you need…” Charlie paused, his eyes darting between me and his little bag. “What if you need kisses?”

What if he needed to lick me?

I was definitely missing something but I treated it like the most rational question I’d ever heard.

“Well, as long as we’re in the playroom, you can always ask to kiss dragon and we’ll find someplace private.” Kissing his head, I tried to sound as nonchalant as possible. “I don’t think the other littles need to see that. Uncle Jarrett would probably kill me.”

That got the tiniest giggle out of my cutie but didn’t seem to stop the whirlwind of worry going through his head, so I kept going. “And if we’re downstairs, you’ll probably be on my lap, so you can whisper that you want to go play with dragon by ourselves. I’ll know to go get us a room and then we can have private time together.”

He was slowly nodding but still looked like he was obsessing over something. “If you don’t need privacy, I’ll take off my shirt and you can cuddle up close and just have fun. It’s a BDSM club, right?”




“You’d take off your shirt for me?” That wasn’t what I’d been expecting him to say when his eyes went wide. “Really?”

Stepping away from the bed where I’d been double-checking everything I’d put in his bag, I swept him up in my arms and chuckled as he gasped and clung to me like a monkey as I whirled him around. “Yes, I would show everyone my tattoos for you. In fact, this might be a good time to show you the surprise.”

He wasn’t tracking how the two things were related, but he was nodding and looking down at my chest like the answer would magically appear on the tight black T-shirt. “Yes, Daddy. That’s a very good idea. You’re very smart.”

Trying not to laugh since he’d been fairly patient most of the day, I set him down on the bed and dug into the bag. “I knew these would be perfect for you the moment I saw them.”

He was vibrating with excitement as I reached into the bag, all the way to the bottom under a diaper, a blanket, and a change of clothes where I’d hidden his present. “I’ve been very good today, Daddy.”

“Yes, you have.” There’d really been no opportunity for him to fuck with my electronics, though, so he couldn’t have gotten into trouble. He really was sweet unless pranks were involved. “And you’re smart and creative and a very special boy, so I thought you needed some very special markers.”

As I pulled them out of the bag, he frowned as he studied the simple-looking markers. He was doing his best not to be rude, but I could see a thousand questions flashing across his face. “Thank you, Daddy.”

He was adorable.

“Why don’t you check them out.” Handing one over, I did my best to look relaxed and pleasant as he started analyzing the red marker. “I think you’ll be surprised.”

It took a few seconds for him to read the words and for the tagline to sink in. “They’repeoplemarkers?”

Nodding, I kissed his head again and finally got to smile as his eyes went wide. “Yes. You can use those markers to color my tattoos and they’ll fade after a few washes. So I might have to wear a darker shirt to work on Monday but I don’t think they’ll show through my regulars one. The tattoo lines don’t.”

Charlie’s gaze was bouncing between the marker and my chest, where the tattoos were currently hidden by my shirt. “I get to make you pretty?”

I really tried not to laugh but the tiniest snicker came out. “Yes, sweetheart. You get to make me pretty. But no licking colors and you need to decide if that’s something we do on our own or if you don’t mind people watching.”
