Page 89 of Brave

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The thin stick telescoped out and there was a small mirror on the end.

Why was he buying spy gear?

I decided to ask questions later and just be grateful for it in the moment. Nodding and mouthing a quickthanks, I barely pushed the door to the kitchen open and slid the mirror into the crack.



Austin was dressed like a fifties house omega with large fake breasts that gave him an impossibly tiny waist. It definitely explained the boobs comment but what it didn’t explain was the sippy cup he was pouring what seemed to be some kind of clear alcohol into.

“It’s not moonshine but it tastes like cotton candy.” Austin’s tone was earnest and for some reason it made Silas roll his eyes.

“Add some juice. That will help him feel little.” Wade was being sweet and helpful in the strangest way.

They were making him little?

By getting him drunk?

“It’s logical but we need a backup plan.” Bradley’s frown didn’t give me any clue about how drunk he was, but the fact that he thought any of this was reasonable made me realize he was already three sheets to the wind.

And the way his alpha was giggling behind me said he agreed.

Austin glared at him. “This is not aneeds a backup plansituation. I’m taking very good care of him.”

Silas’s frown said he was considering stepping in but Charlie saved the day. “It’s a wonderful plan, Austin. He was just trying to take good care of me too. What if I end up big and naked instead of little and relaxed?”


It was like light bulbs had gone off all around me. Every Dom straightened as their eyes went wide. They might’ve been surprised but I thought it was interesting logic at the very least.

Make Charlie a drunk little and he’d probably keep his clothes on…or at the very least not play grabby hands with Austin’s new boobies?

“Yes. It’s going to be a wonderful plan.” My brave and slightly ridiculous boy took a sip from the brightly colored cup and smiled. “Oh, this tastes wonderful. Yes, this is a wonderful plan.”

Saying it over and over would not make it a wonderful plan, but it seemed to make all of them happy, so I wouldn’t burst his bubble until the morning.

This was going to be something I’d be able to tease him about when we were old farts and could barely remember the shenanigans we’d gotten up to when we were young.

I couldn’t wait.



Whoever was groaning had to stop before they killed me.


I was the one groaning.

“Shit.” Everything hurt, including my hands as I brought them up to my face to check to make sure my head was still where it was supposed to be.

A low chuckle made me freeze and let out a sigh. “Daddy?”

He was nearly giggling as he kissed my head. “Yes, how is my naughty boy feeling?”

I took a second to think about it and take stock of myself. “My head hurts. My tummy feels weird. I’m still wearing my clothes. And for some reason, this bed is very hard.”
