Page 115 of Breaking the Stallion

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I’d worked so hard to please him, to purge everything to Brian, and not rely on pain to take things out of my head. In fact, I needed nothing taken from me. I could cope with them, I could embrace my past as just that, the past. I’d even learned to forgive Harvey.

Sitting on the bed every session, sometimes crying, sometimes pissed off, my head in my hands as everything left me, all the pain, all the grief, the guilt, all of it would always live inside me, but I learned they were a part of me. They are parts of a whole that made me the man I was, and that man was loved. That man was loved by someone like Noah, who was the prize of a lifetime.

So, seeing all that, all my hard work, Noah was rewarding me, and yet torturing me too. It was a sadistic thing for him, a way to give me what I yearned for while still being in control. I loved him more for it.

He hefted one of my legs over his shoulder before he grabbed for the lube that he’d hidden under my pillow. He stared at me while he shoved lube covered fingers into my ass, an ass well stretched after wearing the plug that morning. I should have known, should have realized, but those weren’t things I thought about any longer. Noah had settled me into a place where I only needed to live, work and be loved, and to love him.

He was inside me, and the moment he was seated, I came so hard that I started to black out. Noah wasn’t having that. No, he waited for me, waited while I shook and clenched every muscle, and the grayness that had covered my vision cleared.

I was in that place, that glorious place where subs only knew, light as bright as the sun, but warm, comforting and where the air was sweet and alive. “There you are, baby. You with me?”

“I’m here. Fuck me, please, Noah!”

I knew it would hurt some, but nothing like the pain I was used to. When he moved inside me, his hand never wavering from my throat, it hurt. I was so sensitive that the slightest movement had me gritting my teeth, but that didn’t stop Noah. No. He started in on me hard, grunting with each thrust while staring at me, watching my reactions and getting off on them.

The cock inside me felt like a train, plowing through a tight tunnel, banging along the sides. I came again in seconds, and it surprised me, but not him. He laughed darkly and moved his hand so he could grip onto my wrists and hold me down so I would be forced to take more.

I was living for it. The weakness already setting into my limbs. I couldn’t fight his grip, but I didn’t want to, either. I wanted to be there, letting him fuck the hell out of me, just like he had repeatedly when I was caged and at his mercy.

I was turned over, my head shoved into a pillow as he took me from behind, and the slapping of our skin alone had me ready to come again. That sound, so lewd, so sexual, two bodies coming together in a violent and aggressive way that made each of them heighten in their sexual arousal. He pounded me, the smell of my own cum surrounding me, the smell of him, his arousal, was thick too. It was us, that scent, that heat that we were radiating, and I did come again, shocking myself.

Noah could come over and over again, but I never had. Not since I was a horny younger man, could I come again so quickly, three times in a row, and my body was shaking badly. He held me, my hips high, so he could take his pleasure from my body. He knew what was happening to me, knew how much it hurt to come again, and still, he fucked me.

Then, as suddenly as I’d come the first time, he stopped, pushing me to the bed. He left me gasping for air and I looked behind me to see I was alone in the room.

When he came back, he had a cloth in his hand and he started to wash me, flipping me over aggressively. “Little slut came all over the bed! I guess you know you’ll be washing all this bedding tomorrow, hmm?”

“Yes, Sir,” I got out before sucking in more air.

The room spun a little, and I was quietly quivering. He finished cleaning me off, then grinned down at me. “That was hot.”

“It… it was. Sir?”

“Yes, baby?”

“Did you come?”

“No! I’m not even close to done with you. I just thought maybe you needed a minute to collect yourself.”

I laughed breathlessly as I reached for him. “You’re too good to me.”

“No, I’m not. I’m using you like a fucking whore right now.”

I groaned at those words and he was in my arms, kissing over my face as he chuckled.

“My sweet, beautiful whore. Man, I love the fuck out of you.”

“I love you, Noah. I’m… I’m shaking like crazy.”

“You’re gonna be shaking more in a few minutes. I think I could fuck you again for about, oh, twenty minutes or so, and you’ll come twice more.”

“I can’t, Sir. Fuck me, take your pleasure, but I can’t come anymore.”

He moved back his head as he stared at me. “Is that a challenge?”

“No! No, Sir, no, it’s not!”

He moved off the bed and reached over to pick something up and the moment I heard the bells it started all over again. Through me, like I’d been dipped in water set to boil any second, my body heated, and I felt the swirling of orgasm, right below that surface. I got hard again, and I stared at my own dick like it was insane. “What the fuck?”
