Page 121 of Breaking the Stallion

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“That’s the plan. In fact, besides grilling him about Harvey, Damon is probably asking a million questions about land and homes now.”

I glanced over in that direction, but asked Burke, “What does he think he can do? About Harvey, I mean.”

“He’s… crafty. He’s a computer dude, Eli, and a great one. You know this!”

“Yeah, I do. Not how good he is, but yeah, I knew that. Why? What can he do?”

“He can find the fucker. It’s part of what he does, but I can’t say much more than that.”

Cryptic and secretive, but I wouldn’t push him. “Okay… well, if he can find him and have him in jail, I’d be forever grateful.”

“Don’t worry about that fucker, Eli. Give Damon everything you know, though, okay?”

I nodded vigorously. “Sure, sure, anything to get him caught, yeah?”

“Good,” he said as he lay a hand on my shoulder, which he pulled away immediately. “I gotta remember, you’re not just a boyfriend. You’re a sweet little subbie. Your man probably doesn’t want you touched.”

“He’s… a little possessive, yeah.”

“Good. Someone needs to prove to you how special you really are.”

The following day, we went out looking at places in the SUV with Damon and Burke. Noah was in his element, talking about land and farms, ranches. I enjoyed the ride, just seeing all the beauty of the area. There were places far back on dirt roads, and a few of those roads wound up hills and the cliffs were sheer drops, that in the winter, like right now, looked hazardous as hell.

Burke and Damon seemed to love those places best. I figured they could come to us to visit during snow season instead of us traversing those roads to see them.

The ranch they preferred was at the top of one such hill, spread out over thirty-five acres. Noah seemed to think that was small, but Burke argued, “It’s fine for us! The less land, the fewer animals this one will fill up with!”

“You gotta have animals,” Noah said. “In fact, we need a few more on our place. The mice are getting bad again, found holes in the grain sacks, so that means cats, and when I lost my last dog, I had my heart broken. I know I need another, but I figure Eli can pick one or two for us this time.”

“Really? I’d love a dog or two. And I know Burke will hate it, but I’m a cat guy. Love cats.”

“Cats,” Burke spat. “Those claws, man.”

Noah chuckled, but Damon teased him. “Remember, he’s a Top for a reason. Hates pain, this one. Cats scratch.”

“Lord,” Noah said, slapping Burke on the back. “Well, it’s that, or rats and mice around here. Better get used to country livin’.”

“Yeah. Goody.”

The thing they liked best about the place was that there was a guesthouse. And not a tiny mother-in-law place like some had, but a full house. Noah explained that was because the place last belonged to a family with a ton of kids. Kids that didn’t want to move when they got married and had their own brood. Some of the family had left, but there were still some around, near that very property. They’d broke the place in thirty-five-acre lots after their parents had both passed.

Later, back at the ranch, Burke explained why Damon was so interested in the extra house. “I was completely kidding, of course, but I told him that if we moved way out here in the sticks, that we’d need to open an underground club for us… kinksters.”

We were eating in the dining room again, and Noah’s jaw dropped, showing his mouthful of potato. “’Scuse me?”

As I reached over to Noah to close his mouth, I saw Damon had a glimmer in his eye. “Yeah, well, I thought it was a good fucking idea. We won’t advertise, and shit, if it’s a private club, we won’t need to worry about certain licenses that other businesses need. We don’t need it to show a profit, so… it’ll just be for special people to use when and if they want. We might just have parties, like special nights for people to travel. We could build another place for people to stay for a weekend, and… the local businesses would prosper some and be none the wiser.”

I saw Burke grinning before he explained, “I thought he was nuts, but he got on his computer and started doing the math. After we get through buying the house, if we don’t have to fix our own home much, we could afford it, and we could charge membership fees that would cover the food, drinks, equipment and everything. We’d do security, along with my babe here putting up cameras and stuff. It’s very doable.”

“Who’d… who the hell would come, way out here?” Noah was about to have a seizure, but he didn’t look like he hated the idea.

“We know a lot of men, obviously, from the cities where we’ve lived,” Damon explained. His fork was next to his plate, and his hands rubbed together excitedly. “I spoke to a few, and a kinky retreat is a great idea for them. They’re tired of the same places, and they get long weekends, vacations, and it’s close to the airport, really. We’ve talked a lot about it. I mean, kink is great, but it’s better with a crowd, right?”

Noah swallowed though he hadn’t been eating. I think he was swallowing his words, telling them how crazy it was. Then, he surprised even me by saying, “It’s… a good idea! Well, I’ll be damned.”


“Baby, what fun could we have? I could show off my boy in style.”
