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As he brushed my hair, one hand was on my neck, and his words started coming then, low, deep words that resonated from his chest. “There, boy, settle nice in that tub. Been a good boy today, worked hard for me.”

I felt it, and it came to mind, the way he’d first shown me how to cool off a horse that had run hard that day. He was treating me like he treated his horses, and I laughed with the realization.

“What’s so funny?”

He didn’t sound pissed that I was laughing and, in fact, had humor in his own voice. “I… I don’t know if I’m even right, or if you realize it, but I feel like one of the horses after you’ve been riding it all day.”

“Well, you ain’t dumb. Glad of that. Pretty ponies like you are sometimes kinda dumb.”

My head turned, but it wasn’t like I could look at him. All I could see was dark green and a very few shadows. He chuckled darkly, and I then knew what he wanted of me. “I’m your new horse.”

“Gotta break in my new pretty boy, yup.”

Suddenly, it all became clear, the feelings and thoughts I’d had about the way he settled me when I was freaking out, the way he’s speak to me, touch me…

Like a wild stallion, I was being broken. I got hard thinking of it, being a horse for him, being broken down and trained. I breathed fast, and he touched my dick lightly. “You’re a good boy for me, Eli. Never had a sweeter boy in my life, and I’m gonna get you all trained nice for me.”

I let out a long sigh that seemed to please him. “Daddy, I… don’t know what to say.”

“Sure, you do. If you don’t like something you’re gonna sayredfor me. If you say that, then all this stops, and we hold each other all night and I kiss you until you feel better.”

He couldn’t have said anything better than that. “I’m not saying red… I’m saying thanks.”

I meant it and my chest was heavy, but not with panic, like I was used to. Instead, it was heavy with the growing feelings for the man I’d met one day on the side of a highway. He’d shown me kindness, respect and trust, and I, in turn, felt those things for him. His hand on my chest in that moment, it was like he read me, and likely, he had.

“Settle, boy. We haven’t started with the heavy stuff yet. Gonna get you nice and relaxed first.”

“I’m… I’m good. I’m so good.”

“I’m glad. Now, gonna get you all clean and shiny.”

I laughed a little, but there was little humor in me right then. I felt warmth that had nothing to do with the tubful of hot water. His hands glided over me, taking the soap and washing over me. Then he’d brush my hair more and caress my face.

My hand was taken from the water, and he soaped them while kissing each finger, then he rinsed it, and brought it back out of the water to kiss them again, sucking in my forefinger before taking it from his mouth and placing it back in the water. It was done to both of my hands. Then he washed my genitals with the same care and tenderness.

I was aroused, but not in a way that had me panting. Instead, I was floating on some cloud of happiness and relaxation, being carried by the man I’d fallen for. His gravelly voice would tell me to sit up or lay back, and it was as if I was on autopilot, my body just reacting to his words.

When he got me out of the tub, he took as much care drying me as I stood on legs that threatened not to hold me. They were jelly, my bones were gone completely. I was then led to the bed, and he helped me onto it, sitting on the edge with me as he took my hand.

“Those things we talked about, the list I gave you. I’m taking that all to heart. If you are done, you have a word to stop me, but short of that, you’re gonna get a hell of a ride tonight. I doubt you’re gonna feel too good riding in the truck tomorrow to get home, but if you’re real nice to me, I’ll try to find one of those blow-up donuts for you.”

He had a lilt of humor in his voice, but I knew he was being truthful. I saw it on his face throughout the movie, I heard it in his words. He was no soft Dom that would tickle me with a feather to watch me giggle. He was going to put a hurt on me and get his jollies doing it.

“I’m going to put something in your mouth, so it’ll be harder to say your safeword. We’re also almost in public, being that these walls are very thin, so you need to be as quiet as possible. That’s good, though, because if you yell out, and it sounds even a little like your safeword, I’m stopping everything. You understand?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

It was a little strange saying that when I wasn’t being playful, but I said it and I gave a nod to emphasize it as well.

“Good, Eli. Good boy. Now, I’m going to help you get on your stomach.”

I didn’t know what to think about except all the dildos we’d purchased. I got onto my stomach on the bed and he had me scoot to the middle of it, legs and arms straight down at my sides. The next thing I knew, Noah got off the bed, and I wanted to ask him where he was going, but I didn’t. I wanted to calmly take whatever he was doing.

I heard his movements and craned my neck a little to hear him better. Always watching me, he saw this and said, “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Thanks,” I said in relief. I don’t know why I feared he was going to leave me, but it had made me tense.

“I’m not leaving the blindfold on after I get you, so you can’t see your dick. I know you need to see me and hear me.”

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