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“Just about. Good, because we never talked about what you won’t do. I’ve stuck to some things you confirmed were okay, but if there’s anything you have absolutely no wish to do, let me know. You can write it for me on a list or something or send it in a text. Whatever, just let me know.”

“No shit, no puke, those off the top of my head.”

“Good. Those work for me too. An accident is one thing,” he started, then laughed before taking a bite of his pancakes.

“No! Did that happen to you?”

“God, yes. This old boy, last one before I met my husband, he had stomach issues and didn’t tell me a damn thing. I swore off anal sex for life that very day, and it took me almost a year before I’d do it. Scarred me, as the kids say these days.”

“That bad?”

“Not while we’re eating.”

I couldn’t help but laugh and choked down three more bites of pancake before busting up about it, and he joined me. “I’m never telling you a damn thing again!”

“Sorry! But… terrible mental images!”

“Remind me to beat the living hell out of you once your bruises heal.”

“I’ll do that.”

When breakfast was finished, we went into the bedroom, and he lay me over the bed to apply more cream to my bruises. The previous night, the cream had helped so much, I got right to sleep, but sleep was different than working all day.

His gentle hand, so opposite of his Dom hand, rubbed over my black and blue flesh, soothing it, and I found myself near sleep again when he helped me to my feet. “Get dressed and, for fuck’s sake, when we come home later, get your clothes moved in here. You’re obviously not visiting me anymore.”

“I didn’t want to presume.”

“Well, you have a fucking invitation now. I told you I loved you. We’re fucking like rabbits. You live here, for fuck’s sake. I think we’re a couple.”

I grinned, but ducked my head. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Goddamn it! Don’t call me that now! I don’t want to feed cattle with a fucking boner.”

We worked all morning, and Noah grumbled now and then about how Pamela had done things, which weren’t how he did things. Noah was a control freak when it came to his ranch, and how things were done was as important to him as getting them done, period.

The back half of the barn had a long set of stalls for the horses, and they put the horses into them at nights, being the weather was turning cold. That meant a lot more stalls to clean, but I had gotten a routine of doing it, and the work went by quickly.

As I was putting new hay on the floor of the last stall, Noah came in, leaning on one of the wood slats that separated them, just watching me.

“You about done?”

“I am,” I confirmed, moving over to him. “You ready for lunch?”

“Yeah. As a matter of fact, you’re getting lunch a little earlier than me today.”

I thought he wanted me to suck his dick to completion, and I was all for that. That wasn’t the case. “Get one of those clean rags out of the shop and go to the house, get it under the tap and wet it. Then make sure you have your little bell.”

The instructions were clear enough, but I was still confused. I didn’t question him, though, and went to do the task. The bell was in my pocket as I returned, handing the wet rag to him. He moved me over to the stacks of hay and sat on a bale as he cleaned off one of his boots. “Get your dick out and get the bell on the hand you use to jack yourself off.”

I was more than intrigued. “Yes, Daddy. Oh, can I call you that now?”

“How about shutting that whore mouth of yours right now and get to stroking that cock?”

I smiled but got to work, got out my dick and spit in my hand for some lubrication before looking right at Noah, stroking my cock for him.

There is something particularly erotic about being on display for a dominant. His eyes on you, watching every move, judging you, taking notes with his mind… it got me going fast, and my cock didn’t take but a few strokes to be rock hard in my hand.

His eyes. I felt them as they roamed over my body, watching me jerk myself, watching my face after, then back to my dick. I wanted to make a good show of it, to show him my obedience and my willingness to be whatever he needed me to be.

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