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He sat in Noah’s chair, then lifted from it for a second, asking, “Is this okay?”


“Thank you kindly,” he said and finished sitting. “I don’t know if it’s even okay to ask this. I mean… I don’t want to be presumptive.”

“What are you presuming?”

He stared off and around, like he was worried someone would overhear. There was no worry, as no one else was around for a couple of miles. “It’s just that… my mama, she talks, and she told me about Noah, how he had a… husband.”

I got defensive for a moment. “Oh? Is she against that?”

“No! Oh, no,” he said, facing me before he turned away, like he was scared to look into my eyes. “Well, she said he died and all, and… you're…”

“We’re not married, Joel. If that’s what you’re asking.”

Rubbing his hands together, he hunched over his knees, taking his time to answer. “Well, now, I know that not everyone who… lives together and what not, they’re not all married, but they… live like married folk.”

Was he asking if Noah and I were living in sin? I thought, crazily, that if he knew I had a butt plug up my ass right then, as he was speaking to me, he’d have that question answered, but I simply said, “We are in love, living together, we work together, and hopefully, we’ll have a life together.”

He nodded curtly, making a hum in his throat. “Yes, sir, I figured as much.”

“Do you have something against that, Joel?”

His head spun so fast, I know that had to hurt his neck, but he didn’t flinch. “No! I’m no one to judge.”


He shot up from the chair, mumbling about getting to the barn, and I laughed as I watched him rushing like he’d been jabbed with a hot iron.

I finished brushing off the hat and left it on the little table by the oil lamp on the porch as Noah rode up on Tawny. “She misses you,” he hollered.

“I miss her too. Tell me you’re not making me ride today,” I said, unable to forget the plug.

He thought that was hilarious. He sat that saddle tall and beautiful, taking off his straw hat to hand down to me once I made my way down the porch steps. “Got it ready for me?”

“The lint’s off, and I was just letting it air, like you asked, Sir.”

“Good. Bring it to me, please.”

He was grinning down at me, and though I wanted to do what he asked, it was hard tearing myself away from that crooked grin. His head was cocked to the side, his light blues twinkling at me. But I tore away to rush up the steps to fetch the hat.

Well, when I handed it to him and he set it on that thick mane of silver and pepper hair, I felt my knees go weak. As hot as he was in the straw hat, the brown just made him the epitome of gorgeous cowboy.

“Hate summer sometimes just because this hat’s too hot to wear and it’s my favorite.”

“I can see why,” I said, wiping my mouth from the drool. “Of course, I saw the black one.

“You’re good for my ego, boy. Keep that shit up,” he said, with a laugh, then he reached down and pinched my chin. “I’m going to run Lover Boy now, and then we’ll get to working on that hay.” He noticed Joel’s blue Ford in the driveway and asked, “Joel’s back already?”

“Yes. I hope he did everything he was supposed to. I sent him to milk the cow while I finished with your hat.”

“That’s fine. I’ll go check the cattle later, maybe take you with me, so don’t go far, huh?”

“I won’t. Have a good ride, Sir.”

I was again a little disappointed that I wouldn’t be getting laid, but I knew better than to think that way. That was selfish. A submissive shouldn’t be selfish. I went about the rest of my chores, the plug becoming just a part of me until I moved wrong, and it slammed into my prostate. I got a few erections that day, and thankfully, none were around Joel.

Joel got sent home when Noah got back from running Lover Boy, and he had me on cooling the stallion, brushing him while he snorted at me. “Oh, stop,” I told him. “You don’t have a giant piece of metal up your ass.”

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