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“If I stayed true and loyal through all that, what do you think I’m going to do with a guy that… that loves me like you do? That needs me and more than that, wants me? And the way I feel about you, boy. My entire world is better, knowin’ you.”

A wash of love came over me. Serenity, the light in every bit of me, brightening, and I moved forward to kiss him tenderly. He kept my face in his hands until the kiss ended, but then took my hands into his after that. “You ready for more?”

“I am, Sir.”

“Good boy.”

I didn’t have the bit in my mouth again for the next few hours as the work of the ranch came first. The reins attached to my harness, and I was led around, helping when I could, standing peacefully by when I couldn’t. Then, when the work was through, the afternoon still bright, I was given the bit again, and he attached the reins to them. He led me back to that bull cage, or whatever it was called, and I was pushed gently into it. He leaned on the entrance, checking his fingernails over while he spoke to me.

“I like to let the animals do things natural. I get a bull or two from Joel’s mama, and they come here, mingling around with the cows that are in season. Most of the time, like last year, nature takes her course and things happen like they should.

“Then other times, things need a little helping. Now, it’s not a pretty thing, giving sperm to a cow or mare horse, and it’s less fun extracting that sperm from the bull or stud. It happens, though. For as much as I hate doing it to them, I’m gonna love doing it to you.”

As I held onto the cool metal, I had those familiar running thoughts. Was I the cow or bull in this scenario? Was I getting bred? We hadn’t tested yet, hadn’t once gone without using a condom. Noah had lived through the early AIDS epidemic and was strict about it.

Then my thoughts went to him jacking me off, and that wasn’t anything weird. I mean, I’d had it done a million times…

A hand ran tenderly down my back. “Don’t get jumpy, baby. I’m gonna show you soon enough what’s gonna happen to you, unless you need a break.”

I shook my head, more curious than anything else. I turned to look at him, and he kept in my sight.

“You’re okay?”

I nodded hard.

“Good. This is gonna be intense.”

I couldn’t imagine what he was going to do to me, and I wouldn’t see it either. There were a couple of missing pieces from the head harness. One was a mouth cover, the other a blindfold. The blindfold was attached then, and the world was dark, and I was inside of my mind for a moment, but that wouldn’t last.

Noah manipulated my body, bending me, moving my head between the bars of the cage. My wrists were bound on either side of my head and then the reins I wore were tied too, so I couldn’t move from that position.

Something was set under my torso, something that I could semi-lay upon, and then my ankles were bound to that. It was a strange feeling, but it shouldn’t be, as I’d been bound similarly in club before, my head and wrists through a stock, and my ankles to a bench.

Still, being there was a lot different than being in a barn, having things that were never meant to be used for a human used on me.

It made it dirtier, more forbidden. I was scared, nervous and exhilarated all at once.

I felt my dick passing through something a second after Noah touched it, and it settled at the base of my dick. Then the tail plug was taken slowly from my ass, and I took a couple of quick breaths when it did.

Next, something else was inserted inside me, and my mind spun a little as I thought about what he’d said. I had no idea how they extracted sperm from cattle or horses, but it came to me then, as I’d seen it done once in a show at a club.

He was going to electro-ejaculate me. Holy fuck, how I squirmed.

“Settle down, boy! I ain’t hurting you. Yet.”

It would hurt, or maybe it wouldn’t. I had never done it, and from the sounds the sub was making when I watched it happening, I couldn’t gauge if it was pain or pleasure. With a submissive in a club setting, it could very well be both.

Noah was running a palm over my back, soothing me. “This isn’t so much painful, as it is intense. Not everything I’m gonna do to you will be painful, no matter what you might want.”

I tried to keep my laughter in, but it came out in a shower of spit as I burst out with it.

It was true. He already knew I loved pain, so pain wouldn’t always be what I got.

Then, the warning that killed my laughter and made me squeeze my eyes shut, even behind the blindfold. “You better, uh, enjoy this if you can. It’s gonna be a long fucking time before you get to come again.”

As soon as he said it, before I could sort out the words, it hit my dick and my ass at once, the contraction, the fucking intense feeling of being squeezed, but only in the lower half of my body. Like the top half of me was free, the bottom was convulsed, and I felt my legs shaking with it, uncontrollably, my ass clenched around the thing in it, my prostate hit with it too, making it send signals to my brain I’d never felt in my life.

My dick had hardened the rest of the way from its half-flaccid state to stand at attention, smacking me in the lower abdomen, and I was flying on the contraction. I know how that sounds, and telling it, well, it doesn’t do the feeling justice.

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