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“Okay, then,” he said, then wrote on my chest, but when I tried to crane my neck to see, I got a pinch on the inner thigh that hurt like hell.

I jumped when he pinched me and he growled, “Stay the fuck still!”

I instantly complied, and he started writing again while I kept my eyes on the ceiling. I felt the cool tip of the marker, gliding over my flesh, marking me, making me ugly. I loved it. In everything he did, he had so many meanings. One, giving us the play we both loved and more than that, though, he was teaching me things, things about me and about him.

He was showing me that, though he loved my looks, there was more to me he loved even more. I knew one was my submission to him, but when we were together before we got romantically involved, we were friends. We could talk, or not talk, and be together.

He reminded me of that every single day.

And then, there was the rough, dirty stuff…

After he was finished with his art project, he pulled me from the couch and made me walk to the bathroom. He flipped on the light and brought me to stand in front of the mirror.

He stood behind and to the side of me while I looked at my chest. Though it was reversed, I could still read it plainly. I was both turned on and overcome with emotion at once.

This cum dumpster is the sole property of Noah Oliver.

“You understand this, boy? I didn’t write pretty boy. You might be pretty at times, but right now, you’re a receptacle for my loads. That’s it. You have no other purpose today. I’m gonna dump a load on you and then put you somewhere so I can stare at you while it dries.”

I felt like crying, but I kept my tears at bay while I nodded a little, my eyes meeting his in the mirror. I know it doesn’t sound like an emotional thing, but Noah got me. He understood my insecurities and tried to show me. That’s what I got from it, besides the fact that it was dirty and hot.

He wrapped his arms around me, kissing my neck. “I love the hell out of you, Eli. You’re my property. I own your fucking ass now,” he growled in a whisper in my ear as he kept his eyes on mine in that reflection. “You’re all mine, and if you didn’t know it… I’m yours, too.”

I knew that, but hearing it… it made my world whole.

Enough of the sappy stuff, I figured, as my harness was grabbed and my head pulled back so he could say louder, “Let’s get moving. My balls are full, boy.”

I was taken by the bound wrists, moving in front of him down the hall and to the living room. We didn’t stop there, though. He took me outside, on the porch where it was cold, but not terribly, and the world was still blanketed in white.

As I was about to be.

He had me get on my knees in front of his chair, then he sat and reached down to grab my balls. “You won’t come. I’m going to keep you from it as long as I can.”

With every word, his hand got tighter, and more pain shot through me. I felt like I was getting stabbed in the gut, but his words… they were what impaled me more.

“You’re not just a pretty boy, and you’re not just a fuck. You got that?”

I nodded, but it was a circle more than a real nod. It didn’t seem to matter.

“I think you need to know that I’m in charge, that I’m the boss, and that my one and only job is to take care of you. If that means train you to stop having stress rule your life, then that’s my job. Stress, memories, your ADHD, none of it is in charge of you. I am!”

When he let go, he warned menacingly, “You come, and I’ll make sure you don’t want to again for a long, long time.”

He set the blindfold on me, then got me back to my feet. The cold was settling on me a little more, but the heat my body was producing killed it as it touched my skin. He made me walk, and I had to trust him, because I could tell by distance and sound that we were nearing the steps. I didn’t want to go down steps blindfolded, but I soon knew I wouldn’t have to.

Naked, except for a shirt that was torn all the way open in the front, Noah tied me to the posts on the porch. My legs and arms were spread, and he tied me facing out, with my dick showing to the world.

Well, the only world was the barn and corral, but if someone drove up, he’d have to use the knife to cut me loose.

After I was tied to the porch, I felt the cold, but it wasn’t coming from the air. It came from the tail plug that was being pushed into my ass. “There ya go,” he said once it was inside me, then added a slap to my ass. “Pony is ready for me.”

If he wasn’t fucking me, I didn’t know what was going to happen, but it didn’t take long for me to hear it, Noah stroking his dick. A hand gripping my hip made me shake my ass so the tail could wag as Noah laughed darkly.

“Pretty tail on my pretty pony.”

It wasn’t long before I felt heat as Noah sprayed ropes of cum on my back and the top of the cheeks of my ass. The warmth was shocking on my cold skin, but welcomed, and as soon as he was finished, he backed away and I heard him zipping his pants.

Without another word, I heard the creak of the chair as he sat, and I knew then that I was on display, and he was good as his word, watching the cum drying on me.
