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Not that it helped much. That plug was dancing a jig on my prostate, and with him so close, the smell of his sweat and soap surrounding me, I was so aroused, I could barely breathe.

Noah, of course, knew this. “Easy, boy. Take it easy. You know, when a mare is in season, she and the males around her get real jumpy. You can separate them, let them mate, or… you just take your time with the lot of them and calm them down. You don’t have a choice. I’m not gonna be far from you, and I’m not mating you, so you get off. Only for me, too. So, you have no other option than to just settle down.”

“How do you always know?”

“Oh, baby, you have no idea how much you wear whatever you’re feeling right on that pretty boy face of yours.”

“You can’t see my face,” I pointed out and just got some laughter for it.

“Sorry. I mean, you wear it all over you. You’re hot as a fireplace with big logs a-burnin’ and you can’t stop readjusting your seat. Bet you didn’t know that.”

I didn’t. I stopped moving more than I had to for riding, but nothing helped. “Maybe… I hate to say this, Sir, but the belt…”

“No, sir. You have got to learn some fucking control without it. If you can work so hard, trying to keep everyone from seeing your PTSD and ADHD, you sure as fuck can control your body from coming.”

More control. I didn’t know if I could do it. Sure, I tried hard to control myself, to not fly into a panic attack or let my mind go crazy, but it rarely worked. Now, with a metal plug massaging my already sensitive prostate, it was that much harder. “Sir…”

“I’m not arguing with you anymore than I argue with a horse I’m training.”

I had forgotten. “Sorry, Sir. I shouldn’t argue or tell you how to train me.”

A hand was placed over my mouth as he whispered roughly, “That’s enough talking.”

I clammed right the hell up and smiled behind his hand. “Good boy,” he commended, then ran his hand down my coated chest, down my stomach, then right to my crotch. “You’re hard. You’re so hard…”

He played with my dick, and I wanted to scream for him to stop, but I kept the pleas inside me as he played, rubbing my dick through the thick material of the jogging pants, cupping my balls. I closed my eyes to find a focus, to beg him in my own head not to squeeze them. If I felt pain right then, I’d come and be in all kinds of trouble.

Closing my eyes wasn’t working, so I opened them, spreading my focus to the world around me. That did it. I was definitely in a part of the property I’d yet to see. We’d gone around one hill and there a larger valley spread out before us, but that part I’d seen. That was where the cattle had been before we moved them. What I hadn’t seen was beyond that, off to the west.

We went into a forest. The snow was maybe a half an inch in most places from the near foot we’d trudged through in the valley. The trees, blocking most of it from hitting the ground, were filled with it and it came down in small chunks as we passed and moved the branches from our way.

Boulders the size of an SUV were here and there, smaller rocks around them, the soil was black was the new moisture and the richness. It smelled like clean snow and evergreen, and my focus was off my aching dick at long last.

We emerged on the top of a small hill, and below was like something out of a dream. A river flowed there, and from that, the landscape sloped up to another set of hills that continued on to mountains that had peaks set in the rolling white clouds.

The sun in the west cast long shadows of the trees, the snow brightening everything else. The dark blue of the sky above all of it was a perfect backdrop to the deep greens and brilliant white.

My breath was taken from me as I looked at the world where I lived, the views and feeling of freedom it entailed. I was a controlled, submissive man in the hands of a dominant that intended to train me to serve him. And yet, through all of it, he and the place where we lived made me feel so free.

“Beautiful, ain’t it?”

“So beautiful.”

“You’re beautiful too, but in a whole different way. That river brings water to places that need it. Maybe it’s pretty to look at, but there’s a lot more to it, like you. What you look like is only a tiny part of why I want you in my life for the duration.”

I placed both of my hands over his on my belly. “Thanks, Noah.”

“Sure thing.”

We took Tawny down a trail until we were right next to the river. The sound of it in the distance told the story of how it might look like a serene thing where we were. It was raging not far away. Maybe that was a lesson too, but I got it, whether Noah meant it or not. We could look serene, but down somewhere else, we could be raging.

We dismounted Tawny and moved her over so she could get a drink. I stood on the snowy bank, watching the sun catch the water, like diamonds were below the surface and I need only to reach out and grab them.

Noah took my hand and watched beside me. “That water is cold as ice, if you were thinking of taking a swim.”

“No thanks,” I said in a whisper.

After letting go of my hand, Noah bent to catch a handful of the water and told me to hold still when he stood upright again. He pulled the collar of my shirt out and let the water trickle.
