Page 55 of Anton

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“She’ll always come back, Anton,” says Hulk with a grin. “But you knew that when you began chasing her just to piss me the fuck off.”

Anton releases me, breaking eye contact and pasting a smirk on his face. “You think that’s why I started seeing her?”

Hulk takes another sip of his drink, keeping his back to us. “We all know you’re using her.”

“Thanks,” I snap, “because he can’t possibly actually like me?”

“You missed out, Hulk. Get over it,” Anton drawls.

Ace stands. “Let’s just cool things down a notch. There’s no need to be arguing over women.”

“You’re right,” says Anton, nodding, “especially when I’ve already won.”

Hulk slams his glass down, and I groan. “You’ve won shit when she’s still crawling into my bed.”

“I didn’t,” I argue.

“It won’t be happening again,” says Anton firmly.

Hulk laughs. “You reckon? What do you say to that, Piper? Do you think you can stop turning up at my door?” I hate his cocky grin, and then I loathe myself even more knowing I’m the reason he’s so full of it. I feed that ego. “Maybe this made me realise a few things,” he adds. “Maybe I’m not ready to give up on us.”

I stare open-mouthed. “You don’t mean that, you’re just saying it.”

“I mean it,” says Hulk. “Pick me, Piper. Not him. I'll make you my ol' lady.” I inhale sharply. I've dreamed to hear those words leave Hulk's mouth, yet right now, in this moment, I feel empty. His words are too late and are meaningless when he's backed into a corner.

Anton scoffs, rolling his eyes. “Tell him why you won’t be lowering yourself to be with him again, Piper,” he orders, glancing my way.

I bite my lower lip.How do I get myself into these situations?“Anton, please,” I whisper.

“Now,” he snaps.

“Anton,” I mumble, “please don’t, not like this.”

“Please don’t what?” he smirks, looking cruel. “This is the moment you’ve been waiting for, isn’t it?” I don’t like the hatred in his eyes. Right now, he’s every bit the mob boss that people talk about. “So, put him out of his misery and tell him why you won't be his old lady.”

I begin to cry, but it’s silent tears that roll down my cheeks. I want the earth to open up and swallow me whole right now. I can’t tell him the truth even though he deserves to be hurt for everything he ever put me through. For every woman he slept with right after being with me. For every knockback or cruel remark. But it’s not in me to do this in front of Anton. “Tell him!” Anton yells, making me jump with fright.

Ace stands, placing himself between the three of us. “We all need to calm down,” he says.

Anton shakes his shoulders out, ridding himself of the tension that was written all over his face. “You’re right, Ace. Sorry.” He takes a deep calming breath and then smiles at Hulk, and I brace myself for the blow that I know is coming. “We’re married, Hulk. You’re too late.”

Everything just stops, including my breathing. It’s the calm before the storm because then, without warning, Hulk pulls out his gun and points it at Anton. His face is red, angry, and full of pain. Ace yells at Hulk to put the gun down, and Anton just laughs. He actually laughs, like this whole situation isn’t ripping me and the people I love apart.

“Tell me the truth, Piper,” yells Hulk. The gun shakes in his hand, and I keep my eye trained on it.

Anton’s bodyguards must sense the danger because they burst in, also drawing their weapons when they see Hulk. Anton casually sticks his hands in his pockets. “Piper, we’re waiting,” he drawls, and I want to smash his face into the wall for taking pleasure in this horrible situation.

“Hulk, please, put that away,” I whisper desperately. I gently place my hand on his arm, but he shrugs me off violently and shoves me away from him. I stumble, and as Anton catches me in one arm, he draws his gun with the other.

“Don’t fucking touch her again,” he warns. I notice his hand is steady. He really isn’t phased by any of this.

Ace stands directly in front of Hulk and stares into his face. “Son, put the gun away. She’s just a woman. There’re enough of them in and out of your bed for you to walk away and recover from this.” Hulk's eyes fix on Ace, and I see him start to lower the gun. I breathe a sigh of relief and sag against Anton.

“Is now a good time to tell you about your kid that she aborted?” Anton asks casually. I cry out and try to get out of his strong grip. He doesn’t let go, pinning me against his hard body as it shakes with laughter. “And guess who paid for the abortion.”

“Motherfucker!” Ace yells as Hulk raises the gun again and shoves him away. He moves so fast that I flinch, and then the gun is at Anton’s temple.

The bodyguards move towards Hulk, but Anton orders them to stand down, and I wonder if he’s lost his mind. Hulk could pull the trigger and blow his brains out at any second.
