Page 15 of Red, White and You

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A treasure map. For that useless land that I sold him.

I study it and see a few landmarks that I recognize easily.

I stand up and dress quickly, my curiosity throwing little darts of devil behavior into me until it’s hard to tell where the devil and angel start and stop in me.

I dash out the door and down the stairs.

I groan and then I realize that he’s done now.

I try not to freak out and just run for the door this time. I don’t have my car here but I see his keys right on the console table and I grab them and throw myself in the truck.

Then I peel out of the driveway and to the plot of land. I swear I saw Tony running out the door behind me but there’s no way he can walk to that land. So I should be safe until he finds a car.

I reach where I left my car parked and cringe, my usual worries already rising. It’s so yucky out here.

I step into the swamp and check the internet connection, hope rising when I see I have three bars.

“Let’s do this, Tony.” I grab the shovel there and start to feel all around the ground. Mud drips off the shovel and off me and I cringe, sorry I didn’t wear older clothes.

There’s a sucking sound every time I move around in that muddy ground.

I’m only in the swamp for a few minutes and then I’m bringing the little shovel down on something, groaning at the sound.

And that’s right when Tony comes racing in and roars. “What the hell are you doing, Rebel? I wake up with you and my great-aunt’s map and book gone! I can’t believe you did that. And for the treasure.”

“I didn’t do it for treasure. I just want to know if it’s true or not.”


“That your great-aunt took part in a secret spy ring in the civil war.”

I nod. “For a woman that’s something else during that time.”

“She must have been something.”

“The way I picture her, is something like you. Little and sassy and just full of piss and vinegar.”

“I found something” I say, handing him the shovel.

“Now. You go ahead. I’ll wait right here.”

And after two hours an older woman’s dishes and stuff are revealed. Then even more household stuff that she never used. And silver candlesticks. And so much more. Until we get to the bottom and find a beat-up old book. That when I open the pages, I realize that it’s another diary. And this one is full of the stories of her exploits.

I grin and Tony pulls me into him, grinning through mud. “I cannot believe that my woman found it when I couldn’t find shit.”

“Doesn’t matter who found it. But I’m not sure how much of this is treasure.” The few pieces of jewelry are gorgeous and dripping with emeralds and diamonds and I stand there, staring, awestruck.

He shakes his head. “Doesn’t matter what it is either. Each piece tells a story of just how amazing a woman that you are. Can you possibly want to stay with an older man who thinks that you’re fucking amazing and will move heaven and earth to make you happy? That wants to feel your arms wrapped around him and your soft breath on his skin. That needs all of that desperately just to live.”

“Because if you’re willing, I will gladly share every damn part of this with you.”

I shake my head, tears in my eyes. I know it’s soon. I know I shouldn’t want this. But it doesn’t matter. I’m not sure how I could go on without him.

“I love you so much. And I don’t need whatever your great-aunt left. It’s yours. Your families’.”

“It’s the town’s then. I didn’t really want the treasure. I just wanted to see what kind of stuff my great-aunt thought was important. Now I know. All of this stuff is family stuff. Things that came from her husband or her parents or even her children. Passed down through time for all of us to love and enjoy and treasure.”

He pulls me agains him tightly. “I have the only treasure I need right here in my arms and as long as you’re mine…I don’t give a damn about anything else. I love you, Rebel.”
