Page 108 of Playing With My Fire

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He chuckles self consciously but offers his hand that I shake readily. “Hi, I’m Lieutenant Beau Watkins. I’ll be supervising you.”

I nod and smile warmly no matter how confused I am. “A pleasure, sir.”

Estrella chuckles. “Don’t let it go to your head, Beau.”

They look at each other and appear to be having a silent argument before he gives Sakura a kiss on the cheek and walks away.

No doubt in order to change the subject after such strange behavior, they begin showing me around explaining what will be expected of me. In the quiet time as we wander, Sakura steps back to walk by my side. “I know our dynamic here is a little different, so I thought I’d explain our personal situation. My wife and I share a home with her best friend, Caleb, and his husband, Beau, who you met earlier. We all decided to start a family together, so it made the most sense.”

She rubs her big stomach absently. “I’m pregnant with Beau’s son, and Estrella is having Caleb’s daughter. Really it won’t matter who’s blood related. We’re all equal in parenting both. Just one big happy family.”

I can’t help but wonder if they conceived naturally or if they used a turkey baster, which makes me chuckle to myself.

She smiles knowingly and whispers from the corner of her mouth. “Artificial insemination.”

“Is there a reason you’re telling the newbie all our secrets?” We both jump at Estrella’s firm command.

Instead of cowering like me, Sakura rolls her eyes. “Like the whole town doesn’t know our business. She would’ve found out sooner or later, and it’s better from the horse’s mouth.”

Estrella appears to be having an argument in her head before her ire quickly evaporates as Sakura leans into her, and I can’t look away as they share a long, intimate kiss. When they manage to pull away, Sakura looks sheepish while her wife appears chuffed.

After they finish the tour, they leave for their appointment, and I join the rest of the crew. The day was hectic and overwhelming, but I find that I like it just fine.

I realize as I’m about to leave for the day, that I never got the chance to check out the trucks. I mean I can’t leave my first day as an official firefighter and not have a look.

I quietly make my way through the station because it’s late, most of them have already gone to bed, so I’m more than surprised when I realize there’s someone… no, more than one someone, already in the garage.

I barely hold in my gasp when I not only discover who, but what they’re doing. Sakura is stripped bare and laid across the seats inside the truck. The lights are on inside the truck, so I have a pretty good view of her body. Her breasts are swollen, the nipples elongated and a deep, dark red. She’s pinching and twisting her nipples as she moans her wife’s name endlessly.

Her lean legs are spread wide to accommodate Estrella, who’s equally naked as she squats to suckle Sakura’s pussy. The line of her back is graceful, her hips are wide, her ass freaking luscious. Between her widespread thighs, I can just make out her hand moving in and out of her dripping cunt.

I shouldn’t be watching this, but I’m glued to the spot. It’s better than any porn I’ve ever seen and my body quickly reacts until I have no choice but to shove my hand down my pants to run harsh circles around my needy clit. I ball my hand and shove it in my mouth when my need to moan becomes impossible to stop. They have no such issues.

“Oh fuck, baby, you’re gonna make me come so good.”

Estrella’s loud slurping is paused to groan. “You taste so good, my little hummingbird. I want you to gush in my mouth.”

As if her words are magic, Sakura throws her head back on a scream of pleasure as her thighs shake and she does indeed squirt, Her wife licks up every drop, and she quickly brings herself to completion.

“Oh goddamn, so fucking good, my love.”

I bite down hard on my fist as I barrel over the edge and find my own completion. A small whine escapes that has me ripping my hand from my pants and running from the garage as if I’m being chased by the hounds of hell.

As I turn the corner, I notice Estrella watching me. When she sees my notice, I’m expecting the worst. I’m certainly not expecting the smirk on her mouth or that cheeky little wink.

I don’t stop. I keep running all the way out to my car. Even then, I don’t stop as I clumsily get the key in the ignition and start her up before peeling out of the parking lot. Only once the firehouse is no longer in sight do I breathe easier.

How in the hell, am I supposed to show my face again? I worry until I remember that today was their last day and I won’t see them again until it’s time to leave.

The End
