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College was a big wake-up call, in which I found a lot of freedom, and learned pretty quickly how much I didn’t want that freedom. I couldn’t believe how much I craved my parent's firm orders. I didn’t miss disappointing them, but I missed the control they had over me.

For the first semester at UT Austin, I floundered so much that I almost flunked out. Which is crazy. I’ve always been smart. Academics came easy, but there was no one to demand I do my homework or study, so I didn’t do it.

It wasn’t until grades were sent and dad and mommy discovered my almost failing grades that the fear of God lit the biggest fire under my ass.

My roommate was this perfect, pretty, blonde cheerleader. Her daily regime consisted of running before the crack of dawn followed by working out before class. Every night, she studied for hours long after I fell asleep.

I felt weird, scared shitless that she’d not only judge me but laugh in my face and tell all her friends. But I was desperate, so I begged her to help me and ended up bribing her with more than half my allowance so that she would force me to follow rules. Her rules included running and working out.

I hated it, of course, but it was exactly what I needed, and honestly, I think Jenn got off on telling me what to do. She’d even call me between every class to remind me what I should be doing.

So, I was a little thankful that I had some kind of exercise under my belt, even though training to become a firefighter made Jenn’s routine feel like child’s play. And jumping from her and my parent's orders to my instructors was everything I grudgingly craved and needed.

By week two, it didn’t hurt as much, and my body was adjusting. By week six, I was loving it, so when it ended and I was thrown into my new position as the fire engineer for Firehouse 49 in a town called Piper Falls, I was floundering once more.

On my first day, I was introduced to so many people that I couldn’t remember all the faces, let alone recall their names. But one person stuck out.

In a sea of muscles and testosterone, she was a flower among weeds, or more accurately, she was the eye of the storm. I felt frumpy, swallowed whole by the manly uniform, but she managed to make it look sexy as fuck. Her curves wouldn’t be denied no matter how blocky the clothes. Her dark, mahogany hair was swept back in a tight, high ponytail that she braided. It accentuated her high cheekbones, the elegant lines of her stunning face. She’s the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, and I suddenly realized in the midst of all these new people that I was growing a lady boner.

Shame filled me as my cheeks, and the tips of my ears burned. My panties grew damp.

What in the ever-loving fuck?!

Since puberty hit and my peers started discussing who was hot and how much they wanted them, I felt confused because I looked at the same people, boys, and girls alike, and found no one who made me feel that way.

Through my teenage years, I explored every kind of porn imaginable and felt nothing more than vague curiosity. In college, I experimented, as you do. I spent long evenings with frat boys, nerdy girls, bad boys, and even my roommate. Jenn was the only one that came close to making me feel the slightest bit of attraction, and the more I considered it the more I think that stemmed from her dominance.

In the end, I concluded that I was asexual. While it bothered me that my parents were forcing an arranged marriage, I knew I’d never want them, so I didn’t fight it because it didn’t matter in the long run.

I could suffer through ‘lovemaking’ in order to pop out the requisite grandchildren. Then, I could build a barbed-wire fence around my pussy and plead headaches for the rest of my life.

But now, after twenty-two years, I felt desire for the very first time.

“Who is she?” I breathed.

This huge Italian guy, almost twice my height, smirks, making it feel like my skin is covered with fire ants. It takes everything to keep my nails from scratching that itch.

“That’s your new Captain, Estrella Ortiz.”

I can’t stop my eyes from widening. She’s my new boss?

Mortification inundated every inch of me.

He must notice because his gleeful expression turns concerned.

He offers his hand, which I reluctantly take. “I’m Manny, but everyone calls me Tiny.” I scoff, and he chuckles. “Yeah, I know.” Because this guy couldn’t be considered tiny among giants.

Relief nudges at my churning belly, and I offer the tiniest smile that I’m sure more closely resembles a grimace.

“I’m Sakura.”

He nods knowingly. “Everyone knows who you are. Everyone in town can’t stop talking about the ‘fresh meat.’ Especially now that we know how pretty you are.”

That small inkling of relief vanishes as tumultuous apprehension rushes through my veins.

“Are you ok?” His concern ups my apprehension. “You look as white as a ghost.”

I offer a few stunted nods. “Fine, I just need…” I glance around wildly searching for an escape. When my gaze lands on a restroom, I cling to it like a spider monkey. “I need to use the restroom.”
