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I barely glance up at him, “Hey, what’s up?”

He leans against the frame, nonchalantly crossing one ankle over the other. “Just wondering what your plans are for tonight.”

“Man, I just got off, and I’m tired as hell, especially after dealing with that kitchen fire. Never thought I’d see so many Christmas cookies set ablaze.”

He smirks, but I’m sure it has nothing to do with my cookie anecdote. “Now don’t make me call you a liar.”

I hold my hands to my chest innocently. “Moi?”

He nods adamantly. “Yes, you.”

I shake my head as I keep stuffing shit in my backpack. “I’m gonna go home and catch a few z’s before I head to the Outpost to give Eduardo and Abuela a hand before I head to Austin to teach a class.”

He stands up straight. “You’re still doing that?”

I shrug. “Of course.”

“Is Aly still helping you?”

I glance up at him through the thick fringe of my eyelashes. “What do you care?”

I take great glee as I watch him fidget and shuffle his feet in discomfort. I’m also pretty sure he’s turning a rather lovely shade of magenta. “Well, you know if you ever need another volunteer to assist, I wouldn’t be opposed.”

I can’t contain my smirk. “You’re telling me you’d let me tie you up?”

More red tinges his cheeks and the tips of his ears. “Yeah, that or I could help do the tying.”

I snort. “You realize more goes into it than simply wrapping ropes and tying knots? Shibari isn’t easy, and if you do it wrong, you can put your bunny in danger.”

Now he smirks. “Bunny?”

I huff. “You know what? Get out of here before I decide to tie your ass to my bed and leave you until my next shift.”

He holds his hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. It’s serious business, I get it.”

I zip up my backpack a bit too aggressively, nearly breaking the stupid thing before I throw it over my shoulder. I start to leave, but he won’t move.

I glance up at him with my best stank face. “You gonna move, or am I gonna move you?”

“Awe, come on Essie, don’t be like that.”

I cross my arms over my chest and tap my foot, clearly annoyed. “Do us both a favor and stay the hell away from my sister.”

He holds his hands up in surrender. “Hey, who said anything about getting close to Aly? I’m no homewrecker.”

“No, you’re just a heartbreaker.”

“Hey! I’m honest with every girl before I lay a finger on them. If they get attached, that’s their problem.”

I wrinkle my nose in distaste.

“Don’t judge me, Estrella Ortiz. You think I don’t know you spend every other night with a different dude or girl?”

I chuckle as I shoulder past him. “It’s different, and you know it!”

“Why? Because you can put a fancy little BDSM label on it?”

I screech to a halt and rush back to him. “Will you shut the fuck up?!” I whisper shout.
