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“I love her!” I screech.

He pulls me close. “Shh, I know you do, darling.”

“I’ve never loved anyone, and look what it brought. Nothing but heartache.” He rocks me back and forth as I bury my nose in his neck. “Never again,” I swear. “I’ll never give my heart away again.”

Chapter Thirty Three

? Caleb ?

Between keeping Essie from careening off the rails and it being the busiest time of year at the ranch, it took much longer to get settled into Beau’s condo.

I hate to admit I’m having a hard time calling this place home only because it’s so cold and generic. But then each time I go into a room to find the man I’ve fallen in love with, it’s a reminder that it’s not the place, but the people. And in this case Beau is my perfect home.

I’ve just finished unpacking the final box when said love comes waltzing in. “All done?”

My smile at just seeing him is kind of ridiculous, but I wouldn’t change a thing. “Finally done.”

“Good.” He rubs his hands together in a diabolical kind of fashion that I know means nothing but trouble.

“And what are you up to?” I barely rise to my feet before he’s pulling me close and laying down the tenderest kiss. I moan into him. “Keep it up, Mr. Watkins, and you’ll get more than you bargained for.”

He growls. “What if I bargained for everything?”

“Then, I suppose you shall have it.”

I begin to pull him toward our bed, good God it feels magical calling it ‘our bed’, but he stops me before I’ve taken two steps.

“There’s something I wanted to show you.” I open my mouth to ask, but he puts his fingers to my lips promptly shutting me up.

Threading his fingers through mine, he tugs me out to the short hallway. The condo consists of an open floor plan containing a nice sized living room and kitchen. Said hallway leads to a bathroom at the end of the hall and two bedrooms opposite each other.

When he leads me to the second bedroom, curiosity overwhelms me because yesterday the room was empty. As he opens that door, my eyes widen as I take in a room that is no longer spotless but filled with every toy and piece of furniture that a bad sadist and a good masochist could ever want.

I giggle. It’s the girliest sound I’ve ever made, and I don’t give a good goddamn. “You made me a playroom? How did you manage this in less than a day?”

His grin is wide, his eyes are full of love. “I called in a lot of favors.”

I turn in his arms, our bodies flush so I don’t miss his cock plumping against mine. “You did this all for me?”

“I did it for us.”

“Aren’t you just the most romantic fool?”

He nods. “Only for you.”

“What are we waiting for?”

He shakes his head. “Not tonight.”

I pout. “How are you gonna spring this on me and not even give me a taste?”

His smile grows. “I do love my bratty boy, but it doesn’t matter how much you whine. The first time I play with you in our room, I want to take my time, and you have work in the morning.”

I lean close enough that my lips graze his. “I could always call in sick.” He swats my ass, but it’s not nearly enough. “Tease.”

He chuckles gruffly. “Now, Caleb. Be a good boy, and I’ll feed every fantasy you’ve ever had.”

Now, that I definitely believe. So, I’m a good boy, and after we eat supper, I head to bed in order to get up well before the sun.
