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I turn around to view the three gigantic oil paintings hanging on a wall clearly reserved for displaying the leadership of the company. The first painting is of an older gentleman in a gray suit, the founder, then the son of the founder, who served as CEO and recently retired. Okay so far so good, it’s a dynasty, nothing wrong with that. And the third painting, glowing under a spotlight is the current serving C.E.O.

My mind is playing a trick.

I bring my eyes back to the bottom of the large frame. Starting from the title, I slowly raise my eyes scanning the blue suit, and then let my eyes slowly fall on the face.

Butter Pecan Pie!

There is no mistaking that jawline, that unmistakable smile, the high cheekbones, and deep blue eyes. Mr. Anonymous from the whirlpool.

My phone is lighting up.


Brooke! The painting of the man in the background! Oh my God it looks so much like our gorgeous security guy from Hawaii! Am I imagining this?


No, you are not imagining it, Edith! I thought the same thing! LOL. Brooke, can you confirm? LOL.

This is not a LOL situation bitches!

I power down the phone. They are adding to my anxiety. What I don’t need is a running commentary on the shock I am experiencing. For some reason, my mind is still looking for a way out. Maybe we are all imagining it. The laid back, gorgeous man of my dreams, who lighted a spark in me, the playful, gorgeous smiling hunk could not possibly belong in this marble temple of high fashion and corporate culture. I decide not to look at the painting again. Just move forward and not allow imagination to overtake reality.

The administrative workers at the front desk seem happy which is a good sign. I seem to have walked into a humorous discussion. The Administrative officer has a name tag, Alice, making her point to a security guard.

“Listen, I don’t care how many pictures they take, if I were a princess, I would not be leaving that royal lifestyle. To hell with privacy, I want the goods, the limo, the boats. Did you know they have their own pastry chef? Like a bunch of them, not just one.”

“Damn right,” laughs the gray-haired security guard, sharing his amused reaction with me.

I’m falling in love with them already. I love people who wear their heart on their sleeve, and I can tell, Alice does not hold back.

“First Day, Darling?” Just her saying that releases my stress. Her confidence gives me strength.

“Good morning, Ma’am, yes, I am Brooke Banner?”

“Okay… pretty name, pretty woman, welcome to the House of Elysian.”

I want to reach in and give her a hug. But that will freak her out.

“Your temporary access will expire by the end of today, so do me a solid, please tell your manager to get your ID made today. The big boss told us to keep security tight.”

“Yes, of course…And by big boss you mean the CEO?”

“Ethan Knight, that’s him, on the wall,” and then winking at me, she adds, “even more handsome in person.”

Don’t I know it?

As I wait, I ponder on the possibility of seeing him. This is a huge company, a massive building, and the company officers typically have their own floor. What are the chances of me running into him? So many people go on with their work never meeting the C.E.O. Maybe I can be one of those people, and if he is attending a company meeting, I can always grab a chair right at the back, keeping a safe distance from his handsomeness. Maybe wear a hat at all times, that keeps my face in the shadows. Somehow this idiotic plan is enough to calm me down and bring my mind to the present.

“Hi Brooke, I am Jessica. You probably remember me from the interview, I am so glad to be working with you.”

“Of course, Jessica, so glad to see you again!” I extend my hand, but she gives me an open hug. The interview process would have been a bore, had Jessica not been part of the process. She had brought up the subject of sustainable leathers, which is one of my life’s passions. I had been able to impress the panel with my research and designs.

“Look, your design ideas can really help us. I love that you have this passion for sustainable sources of leather. The company is all about money you know… and they can see the future. People are very open now; luxury consumers want to use sustainable products. We are going to have a great time.”

Her enthusiasm and passion for the craft has made me forget my jitters. I am now feeling the rhythm of what I am here. To design and make a dent in the world of fashion. This is my big chance, and with an encouraging team lead like Jessica… I am just feeling good about all this. Thank God my boss is not a freak!

“I am going to show you around. First, we need to get you an ID otherwise Alice here will hunt me down…”

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