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“Common Brooke…” he pleads, his eyes darting back and forth between me and where Pam is sitting.

“You don’t get it Jake! Ethan Knight and I… I am just not comfortable sitting with the Boss for seven hours.”

Jake is relentless. He reminds me of an annoying teenager in love. “It’s not like we are on the Titanic Brooke, and I am taking your place on the lifeboat.”

“You know what Jake, it’s exactly like that! He is cold like an iceberg. It’s going to be so weird for 7 long hours. He probably has a quiz, or a test prepared for me.”

Jake decides to pretend that I have already agreed. He gives me two thumbs up as if we have some kind of deal. The idiot then starts to walk backwards towards what used to be my comfortable seat, a safe distance away from Mr. Grump.

“This is your act of selfless love, I love you Brooke, you are the greatest. This shows me who you are on the inside.” He brings a fist to his heart to symbolize the bond between us.

I want to punch his stupid face.

“This is bullshit Jake!”

The flight attendant who has been watching this exchange, intervenes.

“Is everything all right? May I help you find your seat?”

“Thank you, Ma’am,” says Jake with a sheepish smile. “We have exchanged our seating. Brooke will be on 1-A.”

“All right, wonderful, please follow me, Brooke.”

Jake the idiot is already getting comfortable in my seat. Pam’s face is lit up like a light bulb. Her hot chocolate hero is with her. She takes a moment to wave at me and I can lip read her mouth saying thank you. I’m so annoyed at Jake, but I throw a smile back at her, readying myself for 7 hours of awkwardness.

I make my way to the front, towards my seat of punishment. Ethan Knight is sipping from a glass of wine.

“Hello, again Mr. Knight,” I say, not hiding the irritation in my voice.

“I thought Jake was sitting here,” he says.

Don’t you say hello back?

“Yeah… we exchanged our seating. If that’s okay with you.”

His beautiful face attempts to conceal annoyance. “If you must.”



Ethan Knight is dressed in light gray pants and a crisp white shirt. This is the most informal I have ever seen him, except for when we ran into him in Hawaii. It’s mind boggling to me, almost a psychological mystery, how different he was in Hawaii compared to now. We silence as the plane finally takes off. Even the roar of the engine giving us flight is more welcoming than the awkward silence. He glances into the window; blue evening sky splashes light on to his chiseled features.

“Portugal,” I say, trying to find some words to kill this silence.

“Indeed, he says, raising his glass to me. I left my glass at the other seat and simply nod at him.

Indeed?Is that it?

“You go to Portugal frequently Mr. Knight?”

“It’s important for Elysian, as you will see Miss Banner.”

“Oh okay.”

Now would be a good time to just shut up. I have made my attempt at small talk, and he has answered my questions only to be polite. There is no reason to push this exchange any further.

“Pricilla told me that…”
