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“Is that one of those old cameras that also print the picture immediately, on a small card?”

“Yes, one of those.”

“But it’s not even digital. You can’t send those pictures to anyone.”

“Exactly. I enjoy the isolation. It’s just me and the subject.”

Of course, the billionaire and his privacy.

“You know what’s wonderful about Lisbon? It is a city of frames. Very similar to the rectangular locks we design on handbags. I want to capture the windows, the doors, the trams. Bring that into my subconsciousness.”

Wow, handsome and artistic. He is even cuter when he gets all passionate about a subject.

“I feel a little lost Mr. Knight since you emailed our team not to research anything about Portugal. I have no idea what’s out there.”

“Which makes you the perfect photographer.” He hands me the large camera and puts the strap around my shoulder. I am a little concerned because I have never used such an old-fashioned camera. And the results will be immediate.

“I just want you to know that this is not my specialty. I use my phone for everything.”

“Which reminds me,” he says, “give it to me.”

“Why?” I ask knowing what’s coming next. He extends his hand towards me, palm facing upwards. Is there any part of him that is not beautiful?

I place my phone in his palm, grazing his skin with my fingers.

“Look.” He takes out his phone from his pocket showing it to me like some showman in a magic show. “Rules are rules Miss Banner.”

“What if we get lost?”

“I hope so, those are the best pictures,” he says with a smile.

He is walking towards the woman at the reception desk. She fixes her hair and straightens her posture. He says something in Portuguese and gives her the two phones. He points at me, and she looks at me and nods, with an obvious expression of envy. And now that he has deposited both our phones, he walks happily towards me, pointing to the door. A thrill of childlike excitement runs through me. Am I going to meet Mr. Fun again in a land I know nothing about?



Abeautiful breeze greets my skin as we step out of the hotel.

“It’s one of the best times to come to Portugal.”

This here is a beautiful city, hiding in its streets thousands of years of history. The large palm trees line the well-lit street, their leaves spread out like small roofs playing a game of shadows on the cobbled stone streets. I snap a picture of the tree and the camera spits out a print.

We walk into a beautiful alleyway. There are pink and yellow buildings on each side, with balconies jutting out and the vibrant chatter of inhabitants. I try again, this time snapping at how the green metallic balconies are framed and attached to the building apartments. The camera spits out a print. Ethan Knight grabs it. “I like this one, well done Miss Banner.”

That compliment gives the confidence to just relax with him. Alfama is a beautiful neighborhood as I discover. I see signs for an ancient castle and simply walk in that direction. The magnificent ancient castle comes to sight. The ancient walls proudly show their large, massive bricks that shine under the orange glow of spotlights.

“I feel like I am in some dream land,” I shout out in pure joy. The brightly lit castle under the night sky, brings out the fairy tale lover in me.

“How does it feel Miss Banner?” He comes and stands close to me.

“What do you mean?”

“To see such wonders for the first time?”

“Oh, it’s like a first kiss,” I realize that is not very professional. “I am sorry I meant it’s refreshing!”

“I liked your first answer.” His eyes drill into mine. He tries to change the subject, “Now this castle Miss Banner, it has been here for fifteen hundred years. It has been inhabited by different empires each bringing their own style to it. It has evolved and survived.”
