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“Thank you,” says Ethan Knight. “This tree that we are standing under is over 200 years old. I want you to think about the significance. As designers you must always begin with the source. We are privileged today to witness an Oak Tree harvesting.”

He says something very respectfully in Portuguese and the two farmers step forward each of them taking a position on each side of the tree.

“This is an ancient skill. Do not be fooled by how easy they make it look. These two workers have unique and valuable expertise. Watch how carefully they cut out the bark without harming the living tree. Also know that this harvesting can only be done every nine years. This is why I have brought you here.”

We all get closer to watch the two men as they begin their work. They strike at an angle at the tree cutting it just deep enough that the dry bark on the outside becomes loose. Then expertly striking again they are able to create cuts that allow them to scrape off the bark from the whole length of the tree, revealing a smooth, pinkish red trunk.

“Do you see the brilliance of this process?” Ethan Knight is clearly excited. “The tree is not harmed, it will continue to live, it will grow another bark in nine years, and we will harvest it again.”

“Wow, that’s amazing, you know what I mean.” Jessica claps and everyone including Ethan Knight joins in enthusiastically. The farmers smile and wave at us for applauding them. “Please do not be fooled by their modesty,” asserts Ethan Knight. “These experts have a skill highly valued since ancient times. And it takes a lot of time to master the use of an axe as they have. Preserving trees by cutting out their bark also elongates the lifespan of the oak trees which can easily reach two hundred years. These trees clean the air and absorb tons of carbon dioxide. These oak tree forests are also more resistant to forest fires.”

Jessica is clearly excited. “Three cheers for the cork oak tree farmers, you know what I mean!”

Jake is quick to warn her, “Jessica please don’t...”

But Jessica is not in the mood to stop. “Hip, Hip!”

“Hooray,” I support her with my lone voice and Jake reluctantly adds his soft voice. It is the saddest cheer in human history.

Jessica goes for it again. “Hip, Hip!”

This time I am the only one supporting her. “Hooray!” My voice squeaks at a high pitch. I feel angry at the whole group for not supporting the cheer and throw a glare at Jake who shrugs his shoulders.

The farmers ask Ethan Knight, something in Portuguese and Ethan Knight appears to be explaining to them what we were trying to do. He then turns to us, “Team, let’s do that again with more spirit!”

Jessica’s dream has finally come true. She leads the cheer with everyone joining in upon the big boss’s orders. The farmers are laughing and waving at us as we cheer and clap for them. I can’t help but giggle as I see Jessica leading the cheers loudly enough to wake up every bird in this forest. Amidst the noise, and clapping, I see Ethan Knight looking at me, observing me, with a slight smile on his face.



Aday after touring the cork tree forest we are on a team building hiking trip at a nearby mountain which overlooks the ocean. We are climbing up the rocky, stony mountain when the hiker above me slips and I try to catch her. I manage to stop her fall but my ankle twists as I buckle and fall. I try to get up but the pain sears through my foot like a knife. My foot cannot take the weight of my body, and I cannot stand.

I am on the ground surrounded by our group. I see Ethan Knight’s face among them.

“May I,” he says, getting down and taking a hold of my ankle. I feel the heat of his large hands pressing the area around my ankle.

“Does that hurt,” he asks, pressing the area just above my ankle.


“Good,” he says. “How about now?” He is pressing the area just below my ankle.


“Good. He then squeezes my ankle with both hands. I feel a slight pain but not as much as when I tried to stand on it.


“A little, should I try to stand on it again?”

“Absolutely not!” he growls the order, like some handsome doctor from another century. “You have a sprain, if we give it complete rest and a heat massage, it can heal fairly quickly.”

Of all the people, it is Ethan Knight who volunteers to bring me down.

“I can take her down, you all go ahead.”

“Are you sure, I can go with you,” says Jessica.

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