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“Well, that went well!” says Ethan Knight as I stare at Jim and Bob. We are back in the helicopter. I respond with silence. The helicopter takes us away from The Domination and we are climbing in altitude. I try to put things into perspective.

I knew the world of the rich was going to be different, but what I had witnessed were things criminals confess to. Ethan Knight could be in jail for the way he operates or attacks his enemy. And I would be what? His accomplice? Should I just tell him that I can’t deal with all this? That this is crazy. I want to stay on the right side of the law. I don’t want to enter a world where there are dangerous enemies who burn down things. Or even have friends who steal rare and valuable paintings. And as far as I am concerned what is the difference between Foster and Knight? Two families battling for domination. Obviously being with Knight would automatically mean I would have enemies.

Just as I am lost in these doubts, I hear Ethan Knight addressing the pilot on our shared headset.

“Let’s land on Korrina. She is on her way to the garage for servicing. You can refuel the bird at the garage.”

“Roger that,” says the pilot. The helicopter takes a sharp turn, and we are headed deeper into the ocean.

What is the Korrina? A garage to refuel the bird? Is that the helicopter? So, we are not going back to Lisbon? Where normal people like Jessica, and Jake design handbags and fill out their timesheets? Where Jake begs me to get him a deli sandwich and swindles me to switch seats in business class. Flashes of Edith and Sylvia, jumping on the sofa shouting Por Chew Gal, Por Chew Gal … that was the normal, before, but now I am feeling a little lost, frankly taken away from my normal too quickly. I don’t know how to express what I am feeling to Ethan Knight. Perhaps there will be a better time. Right now, hovering over the Atlantic Ocean with Jim and Bob staring at my face is not the best time.

I feel Ethan Knight’s hand on my arm, the warmth spreads to my whole upper body, even in a helicopter even with Jim and Bob, Ethan’s touch is unique a candy for my skin. I look at him, and he points to the gold wristwatch given to me by the Morning Assistant.

Is he asking me the time?

Why isn’t he using the common headset?

He wants me to read his lips. His lips are saying‘Turn it around.’

Turn it around?

I open the gold bracelet and the watch slides down into my waiting palm. Ethan looks at me smiling, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

I turn the watch dial around and there is an engraving on the gold back. The words are carved deeply and filled with silver.

Alumni of Hot Tub School of Medicine

I burst out laughing while Jim and Bob stare at me with a. serious expression. Somehow that makes me laugh even more and I glance towards Ethan, who looks ahead, like a schoolboy pretending to be innocent. I run my thumb over the graving, the touch taking me back to our amazing, carefree time on the rooftop in Hawaii. I glance again at Ethan, and I know he is enjoying my reaction. I can detect that mischievous smirk. Ethan remembers my joke from our first meeting in Hawaii. His memory of that moment and then presenting it to me gives me wings. Suddenly I feel like a teenager in love. I am giddy, suddenly enjoying the blue ocean, and gorgeous skies around us. I feel playful and continue to throw glances at Ethan Knight who attempts to keep a straight face.

The captain’s voice alerts us. “Approaching the Korinna in five minutes, sir.”

“It will be good to see her again.”

“Your first and only love sir.” Jokes the captain. His official sounding voice and the headset audio makes it funnier.

Ethan shrugs his shoulders looking at me. “Don’t get me into trouble Captain.”

“Roger that sir.” I do love that the captain has a sense of humor, and that Ethan has a normal banter with them.

We soon sight the enormous super yacht. The pearl-colored sleek yacht, with massive cedar-colored decks and a helipad. Our helicopter lands on the yacht without a single bump. The pilot is cool enough to announce a message just for me. “Welcome to Elissa, Miss Banner. You are going to love her.”

We are received by a smiling staff also dressed in Elysian colors, but their outfits are actually relaxed tracksuits. I do notice something in common among all the staff that serve Ethan Knight. They all seem content and seem to like Ethan Knight. One of the staff members brings me a tray covered with sunglasses. All possible shades and brands, covered in protective plastic. I go for the large copper tinted ones. “Good choice.” She unwraps and wipes them clean. I put them on and it’s an immediate relief to not squint anymore. The afternoon Portuguese light is tamed into softer tones, and I can appreciate the different colors of the magnificent ocean. I see Ethan Knight already with his jacket off and unbuttoning his shirt. He walks over to a tan colored reclining chair in the covered section of the deck. He is talking on a satellite phone, and clearly it is about Foster, wanting a high percentage. Ethan is home. This super yacht for him is home.

The question comes to haunt me again, even on this bright sunny yacht, what on earth am I doing in this universe? Satellite phones, helicopters, talks of vengeance. And every time I want to talk to Ethan Knight about our … whatever it is, he is engaged in some important matter. Is he showing me how different it is to be with him? And frankly we are. We are different. I nor my parents have ever been on a yacht, let alone traveled business class to Europe. Even his staff seem more comfortable in these surroundings. Shouldn’t I be back with the team? Does he expect me to just fit in like a piece of jigsaw puzzle that just blends into the large picture?

A crew member comes up to me with a glass of champagne.

“You are too nice! I love this, thank you!”

“We also have your room ready Miss Banner.”

I wonder if he gave me a separate room. What is a clever way to ask this?

“Is Mr. Knight’s suite close to mine?”

“Oh, actually your room is on the other end of the yacht, it’s the deck facing the other side, It’s just as beautiful Miss Banner.”
