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“I’ll bring some wine, that will help us along,” he says.

Going by the size of the massive oven, we can probably bake one massive pizza for all the guests. It will look grand.

I grab the measuring cup and take out six cups of flour emptying them onto the island adding two teaspoons of salt. I open a packet of yeast and mix it in a glass bowl with three cups of water and a teaspoon of sugar.

“Did I miss anything?” He returns with two glasses of wine which he places in front of us.

“Can you microwave this bowl of yeast water for just 10 seconds? It needs to be warm but not hot.”

“Yes, Chef.”

I enjoy him taking orders from me for once. I can see how this can be fun!

I take a deep breath and smile at the craziness of his moment. He is cute to involve my friends. He could have just invited his own friends. But there are always surprising things about Ethan Knight. I place my hands into the white flour, packing it together in one large lump.

“I am back Chef.”

“Well done Mr. Knight,” I say, speaking in my professional voice as if I am some great teacher.

“You will now use your large, strong hands to pack this flour into the shape of a pyramid.

“You must have learnt this in Egypt,” he says seriously.

I burst out laughing but don’t say anything.

The rich are so simple in their assumptions. No handsome aristocrat, I did not learn this in Egypt while cruising on the Nile. This is a common recipe on the internet.

“What?” He is puzzled by my laughter. But his beautiful face is focused on packing the flour into the shape of a pyramid.

“Some things are better left unsaid Mr. Knight.” I take a sip from the delicious red wine watching him work. His large hands, long fingers pack the flour into the rough shape of a volcano.

“Well done, Mr. Knight, I am quite impressed.”

He seems genuinely happy. “I must reward you for your effort.” I turn his face towards me and give him a long kiss on his mouth, and we taste the wine on each other. He perks up.

“Thank you for that encouraging gesture, Chef.”

“Well Mr. Knight there is more. Now you must turn this pyramid into a volcano.”

“You are kidding me.” He is so clueless and surprised that I have to kiss him again.

“Do I look like I am joking Mr. Knight? Do I?”

“You always look good to me, Chef.”

How does he know the exact right thing to say even when we are joking? Is heaven missing some witty handsome angel?

I show him by poking the top tip of the pyramid with my finger.

“You start the penetration of the pyramid from the top.” I take his forefinger and create a hole in the tip of the flour pyramid. “And then add two more fingers into that opening you created.”

I add my finger with my forefinger. “And now push down vertically until your whole hand fits into it.” I guide his hand into the hole as we hollow out the pyramid; it sides start expanding. Then I pull his warm hand out. “Now we take our hands out and now we have a volcano.”

He is genuinely intrigued. “Marvelous.” He says looking at my face, his eyes lingering on my lips until I am compelled to bite my lower lip.

I am so turned on by my own instructions.

“You did good Mr. Knight. You shall now receive your second reward.” I kiss him on his neck and then bite the sexy sharpness of his jaw. He swallows hard and breathes deeply. Even before he can react, I move on to the next step.
