Page 47 of Ranger Honor

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Gavin’s chest squeezed tight. He and Claire had already discussed this possibility months ago. Gavin knew she was okay with it, and he’d hoped one day, Jacob would see him as a father figure. But he hadn’t expected it to happen now.

A lump formed in the back of Gavin’s throat and it took genuine effort to swallow it down. “I would love that, Jacob.”

Pure joy erupted on the little boy’s face. He tossed his arms around Gavin’s neck and hugged him. The move was exuberant enough to nearly knock them off-balance. Jacob giggled.

Gavin tickled him, causing more peals of laughter. Then he straightened Jacob’s suit jacket. “Okay, let’s not mess up our clothes before the service.” He winked. “There’s plenty of time to do that at the reception.”

“We’re going to have cake! Mommy says it’s chocolate. That’s my favorite.”

“I know. We picked it with you in mind.”

A knock on the doorframe interrupted their conversation. Claire’s father, Daniel, stood in the doorway. His suit was pressed and beard neatly trimmed. In one hand, he held a leash. Gavin’s dog, Lucky, greeted the room with a bark. Jacob raced to his side and petted the Labrador’s head. The two were best buddies and had been since the day Gavin adopted Lucky from the animal shelter last year. In the end, the puppy with the white spot on his head had stolen his heart. Gavin couldn’t resist bringing him home.

It was the beginning of a new life. One in which Gavin left the old hurts in the past and let himself chase his dreams—all of them.

“Time to go,” Daniel announced. He locked eyes with Gavin. “You ready?”

“Absolutely.” Wild horses couldn’t keep him away.

The church was filled with summer flowers. Pews overflowed with guests. All the members of Company A were there. Lieutenant Rodriguez with her family, Grady and Tara, Luke and Megan, Weston and Avery, Bennett and Emilia.

Gavin considered them all close friends. The couples had been supportive of his relationship with Claire from the word go, and their loving relationships were inspiring. He couldn’t believe he’d ever worried about having a family alongside his Texas Ranger career.

Ryker joined him at the altar. The music started and the rear doors opened. Jacob marched down the aisle, one hand gripping Lucky’s leash, a broad smile on his face. The guests laughed at the cuteness overload. Claire’s mother, seated in the front row, dabbed at her eyes with a tissue.

Jacob was supposed to take his seat next to his grandmother but deviated from the course to climb the steps of the altar. He grinned up at Gavin and then turned to stand with him. Lucky sat, obediently. Chuckles and claps came from the audience.

Ryker patted Jacob’s shoulder. “Smart move, kid.”

It was a brilliant move. Gavin couldn’t imagine Jacob being anywhere else other than at his side. It felt like his chest would explode with happiness and love. He bent down to whisper in Jacob’s ear. “Your mom comes out next.”

“I know.”

The music changed. Gavin’s gaze shot to the rear of the church, his heart in his throat.

Claire appeared at the end of the aisle on her father’s arm. The wedding dress flowed over her curves in layers of soft fabric. Her hair was intricately curled and decorated with small flowers. She carried a matching bouquet. The ribbon wrapped around the flowers was the same shade as her eyes. Each step Claire took forward made Gavin’s heart beat faster. He’d never seen a more beautiful sight.

Their gazes locked. Time stood still as the church and everyone else faded away. Gavin saw his future in Claire’s eyes. She was his everything. The love between them would last for a lifetime, the vows they were about to take, promises neither would break.

He placed a hand on Jacob’s shoulder as emotion threatened to unravel him. God had answered his prayers. It was all here, in this church. Love. Friends. A family. Even a dog named Lucky.
