Page 34 of Trapped

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“Then calm down!”

“She is my mate and—”

“And you’re breaking her, man.”

“She ismine,” Rey said through a subterranean growl.

“No one’s arguing that point.” Beau swayed with an uneasy shift of his weight. “Now, whatever happened made her run, but she’s come back. Just calm down.”

“Who are you to tell me what to do? You tried to kill her, sell her.” Rey grabbed Beau, whirling their bodies through the room to slam Beau against the nearest wall with a jarring crunch. “Youwantedto break her!”

Beau grunted from the impact, hands gripping the strength of Rey’s arms, though he made no move to rip free. “And she didn’t, did she? All that, and the worst she did was a half assed attempt with a letter opener. You treat her like some fucking princess, locking her up in the castle, and she’s withering away. Think about that.”

“Why do you even care,” Devin asked, voice cracked and swollen under the weight of unshed tears as she crawled up the bed, tugging the blanket behind her to cover herself.

“I don’t fucking know anymore,” Beau bit out before turning to Rey. “I told you she’d be more trouble than she’s worth, but you had to go and do all of this, so now I’ve got to help her in order to keep you from destroying yourself, all right?”

“You’re lying.” Rey’s lip lifted to bare his teeth, the wall shuddering beneath the impact of Beau’s body as Rey shoved him into it again.

The perfect blue of Beau’s eyes went wild, showing them glazed with something too close to fear before he turned his head to hide it away. The impressive bulk of his body went slack under Rey’s grip, showing as much submission as the Alpha could stomach.

“You fucking answer me,” Rey yelled, and there was no mistaking the heavy, sucking blanket of his will rippling through the room.

“Rey, don’t do—”

“Answer me now!”

“Because I liked that she wouldn’t,” Beau murmured into the crackling tension.

“Wouldn’t what,” Rey demanded, but his hold slackened, letting Beau gain his feet. Understanding dawning deep in the blackness of his eyes, confusion etched its way across the hard lines of Rey’s features.

“Break.” Beau’s scoff was bitter, a bemused breath that sounded as if he would choke on it. His shoulders rolled in an abbreviated shrug, the resignation in his eyes almost enough to make Devin want to go to him as he turned his gaze to her. He’d accepted his death at Rey’s hands. “No matter what, you wouldn’t, and it made me want you more. I was fucking obsessed with you, how far I could push you. That’s why I tried to sell you. I knew he loved you, and I knew I didn’t want to give you up. Happy, bitch?”

“Don’t you call her that.” Rey growled deep in his chest, shoving a careless hand through his mussed waves as he stomped away. “What am I even supposed to do with that, Beau?”

“I told you not to do it. One day, maybe you’ll listen to me.” Beau stayed against the wall, head lowered, though his gaze darted from Rey to Devin and back. “I wanted my cake, and to eat it, too. And when that didn’t work, I didn’t want either of us to have her. Can you blame me?”

“You said—”

“I know what I told you, Rey, but I fucking lied. Now can I get the hell out of here or are you going to rip my head off?”

“Don’t go,” Devin whispered as she watched Rey pace back and forth at the foot of the bed. It took an act of will to drag her gaze from the obvious threat to the more subtle one standing stiff against the wall. “Please?”

“Don’t you dare beg him—”


Their bodies collided over the corner of the bed. Devin’s scream of pain as they rolled on top of her became lost in the chaos of flesh meeting and their vicious growls. Rey’s knuckles smeared with bright red, Beau’s nose sat at an odd angle on his face, blood seeming to pour from it.

“Stop,” Devin shouted when she managed to drag herself over the edge of the mattress as their bodies shifted once more. Stumbling across the cool floor, she put space between their violence and her far more fragile body.

The scream was waiting. Knocking at the back of her teeth and clawing at her ribs. She didn’t want that, didn’t want to feel hollow and alone anymore. Between one thought and the next, the bond flared to life. A switch flipped, it went from death’s door to a live wire, searing through her, wrapping her spine with jagged fingers of electricity.

Rey collapsed to the ground with a shuddering groan. His arm caught at odd angles to his body, Devin thought at first Beau had managed to really hurt him. Beau didn’t spare her a glance as he fell to his knees beside Rey, tugging the awkward limb out from beneath Rey’s weight to settle it along Rey’s heaving chest.

“Whatever you’re doing, you need to stop.” Beau snapped his fingers at Devin, trying to gain her attention when she swayed and just stared. “Devin! Stop it.”

“I don’t know how…”

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