Page 37 of Trapped

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“Maybe I do you like this, hm,” Beau whispered at Rey’s ear, though his piercing gaze never left Devin, their bodies swaying as she could only guess at what Beau hid behind Rey’s bulk. “Let you wet your dick inside of her so I can fuck you both.”

Devin’s inhale was shaky, eyes wide at the implications of what Beau was saying. She couldn’t begin to fathom it, though her body remembered well how it worked. That had beenherbody, though, caught between the two primal males as they used her. The vision of two Alphas caught up in the act… Devin couldn’t explain the rush of heat coiling low in the cradle of her hips, but she couldn’t deny it, either.

“Oh, she likes that idea,” Beau rasped, one hand sliding down the broad expanse of Rey’s chest. He kept going, fingers trilling against the dusting of wiry curls that arrowed down to bring Devin’s attention lower.

Rey was growing hard, chin tipped down so he could stare at Devin’s legs. It was then she saw the unconscious shifting of her thighs, seeking pressure against the tingling sensation running rampant through her.

Was this her? Did Rey want this, and the bond was infecting her thoughts? She couldn’t deny that the scene held appeal, that it had warm tendrils licking through the cradle of her hips.

The moment of confusion brought Rey’s eyes up to hers. Despite the furious glare of heat exuding from the depths of rich umber, he gave a terse shake of his head. In a move that bounced her down the mattress with the violence of it, Rey heaved Beau’s body around and slammed it into the bed to be pinned beneath the firm weight of Rey’s knee on his chest.

“That isn’t how this goes,” Rey husked, eyes still fixed on Devin as he leaned forward.

Beau’s sigh was dramatic despite its strained quality as he twirled two fingers through the air. “Fine. Always taking, never giving, Danny boy.”

Chuckling at Rey’s low growl, Beau slid his hand up Rey’s thigh, caressing the heavy power of it before brushing the tips of his fingers against the thick root of Rey’s cock. Beau’s eyebrows bounced once, an unasked question as he looked at Devin.

She was beyond lost, emotions waging a bloody war within her. Darkness scratched at the back of her mind but refused to make itself clear. Despite her anger at someone else touching her mate, the jealous possession of that particular part of him rearing its hideous head, she was… curious. Beau’s pale blue eyes were swimming with heat. Longing. His desire raging across the rugged charm of his features to turn his lips deep pink, a flush staining his cheeks as he sucked in a deep lungful of Rey’s scent.

Gnawing at her lower lip, Devin slid forward until her knees were flush to Beau’s side. Gasping and jostling at the first touch, she slapped Beau’s hand when it tickled up her thigh. Her other hand connected with Rey’s chest, shoving him back as she struggled to slow the careening tumult of her heart back to something approaching normal.

She was in control, she reminded herself. As much as she could be, anyway. Nothing happened to her without her say so. Dragging in a deep breath of spiced espresso, Devin leaned over Beau. Cradling Rey’s throbbing shaft before closing her fingers over it, she angled him down towards Beau’s parted lips.

Not without her say so.

She stared back into Beau’s eyes as she rubbed the velvety smoothness over his lips. Kept his gaze as she leaned closer and pressed her mouth against the opposite side. A pale brow slid up, a fiery shock of surprise racing through stormy blues before Beau opened his mouth wider and sucked. They worked in tandem, kissing and licking at Rey’s length. Both reveling in his low rumbles of pleasure, the sharp pain of his fingers in their hair. Devin watched from a mere inch away as Beau groaned at his first salty taste of Rey’s arousal, lashes fluttering as he savored it on his tongue.

Daring and possessive both, Devin pushed Beau’s head away as she covered the swollen crown. Sucking hard to bathe her tongue with the heady taste of espresso and strawberries. She didn’t have to worry. Beau didn’t complain, working his way down the thick shaft to mouth Rey’s balls. That suited her needs just fine as she worked the firm pressure of her lips further down Rey’s length. Laving the smooth flesh, she butted him against the back of her throat.

A hand glided across her shoulder, taking possession of her nape before it pushed her forward. It forced Rey deeper, down the tight ring of her throat that convulsed around the intrusion. Rey’s groan was a wild thing, a quiet roar that resonated through her. An almost call that urged her on.

With her eyes watering, she sunk deep into the dreamy haze. Swallowing around the pulsing thickness, feeling the hard pounding of Rey’s heartbeat against her tongue. A glancing touch of wet heat, the taste of cinnamon, and Devin didn’t mind the bite of nails along the back of her neck. She could ignore the grinding pain as the hand clamped around the delicate column to guide her into a steady rhythm.

Each breath labored into her lungs, a rasping gasp in the mere seconds allowed her before the stern grip pulled her back. Devin’s throat ached, abraded by the constant friction from Rey’s thickness. Stomach churning at the too swift intrusion, the slow drag back to the head taking forever. She tried to whine her discomfort, pet at Rey’s thighs to plead for gentleness. All for nothing as he bucked, smashing her nose against the flat planes of his body. Fucking her mouth with the same brutal urgency as the hands tugging at her hair, squeezing her throat.

Clarity was a surge of glacial water through her senses. It scoured away every particle of warmth, the liquid heat that was Rey’s need gone under the rising tide of icy realization. Two hands. The math was all wrong, the angles impossible. As soon as she jerked her head back only to be shoved forward, she understood what was happening.

Her stomach lurched. A threat and promise. She didn’t want this anymore. All she could sense was Rey’s lust, his need. Beau’s desire sat thick on her tongue as a breath rattled its way into her chest. They were lost in themselves, in each other.

Though her first instinct was to bite, she knew she couldn’t. Would never. Palm flat to Rey’s hip, she shoved. Hard. Dug her nails into the thin skin below it in an attempt to get his attention. Beau groaned low in his throat, his lips catching Devin’s as he forced her further down Rey’s shaft.

She propelled her body backwards the moment Rey’s fingers loosened. Using him as a springboard, she managed to topple into the pillows. She might have screamed. Wanted to as she wiped at her mouth as if she could rid herself of the very sensation and taste of them both.


“Leave me alone.” It wasn’t even a whisper. Her throat so abused, it was a breath of desert sand, the scrape of sandpaper over her eardrums. Devin curled on her side, tucking her knees to her chest. Making a smaller target for the two sets of eyes devouring every inch of her flesh. She wanted to be gone, and for a breathless moment, wished the hollow numbness would return, so she no longer had to feel the sucking guilt and swollen desire twining through the bond.

It hadn’t been her at all. Not a single part of it. At least, she didn’t think so. She couldn’t dissect the emotions flailing through her, the twisting of her heart, to be sure. From the moment the laughter began, she’d lost sight of everything.

Rey wanted it, whether he admitted it or not. The moment Beau laid his hands on Rey’s body, it ignited whatever they had between them. He wanted Beau. Wanted her as well. She could still feel the breadth of his need, devouring everything in its path to see three bodies entwined. Devin was a bystander, a crux in their desire for one another. If she’d had any interest at all, he’d latched onto it and fueled that flickering spark into a raging inferno. One that she let consume her.

“But you were doing so well, being such a good girl,” Beau husked, the heavy threat of his palm sliding from her ankle to thigh. Gripping the soft flesh and giving it a hard tug, he tried to drag her back to them.

Beau’s desire was a tangible thing. Flushed cheeks and reddened lips spreading with his cruel smile. He wanted the same as Rey. Wanted to enact all his pain onto her body as he reveled in Rey’s attention. His cake, and Devin had no doubt he’d consume her whole if he could.

“Get off of me!” She did scream then. As if from a long way off, she saw her leg moving. The gentle roundness of her heel connecting with the strong line of Beau’s jaw. Even beyond, slamming high on Rey’s thigh. Pain rocketed up her leg, twisting through her knee to make it pop.

Their shock was a bitter thing sliding down her throat, much as Rey had. Harsh, choking, unwanted. She used it, though. Devin scrambled from the bed in the stammering heartbeat it took them to collect themselves. She dove for the door and would have ripped it off of its hinges had it not opened under her hands. Running was bad. She knew they’d give chase. Youneverrun from an Alpha, let alone two of them high on their pleasure. Yet there she was, sprinting through the dark halls. Aiming for the front of the house and beyond it, escape.
