Page 43 of Trapped

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“What are—” Breath leaving her in a rush as her back met the bed, Devin couldn’t even drag in the much-needed air before his body covered her.

The deep vibration of his growl wasn’t an annoying buzz any longer. Rich and dark, it sluiced through her in a licentious rush. Pussy growing wet at his demanding call, Devin shook her head. Disbelief waged a vicious war within her against the rising tide of liquid heat.

This wasn’t the way this was supposed to work.

“Not so easy to be rid of me, sweetheart,” Rey rasped against her neck, prying Devin’s legs apart, though they trembled with the strain to stay closed. Settling in the cradle of her thighs, he slid the heavy threat of his cock through slick folds. Nudging her clit with every slow glide, his teeth flashed in bitter victory at the horror swimming through her eyes.

“No,” Devin keened as she slammed her fists against his shoulders. Doing nothing more than irritating him before Rey caught her wrists and pinned them high above her head. “Please don’t—”

“You came alive under my touch,” he snarled, gripping her breast hard, fingertips digging deep into the loose flesh. “Begged me for it, crying your pretty little tears.”

“No.” Dragging the word out into a wail, Devin’s head thrashed against the pillow. Refusing to believe him, though she felt the truth of it in the very conviction of his words.

“Yes, sweetheart. You whispered your desperate pleas and words of longing against my skin, smeared them in my blood.” Rey caught her with a fistful of soggy curls at the back of her head, drawing her to the savage bites at his shoulder. The scarred patch of flesh was raw, opened with the fresh marks of her teeth.

Despite her struggles, Devin’s mouth opened as he rubbed her lips against the ravaged skin. His low rumble urged her on. The violence of his growl praised her as Devin let her teeth close over the mangled flesh.

“That’s right, sweetheart,” he said through a cruel twist of his lips, nipping at her shoulder.

Only then did she realize the fresh pain there. Didn’t understand how she hadn’t noticed it before. Devin didn’t care the moment his blood flowed over her tongue in a molten wash, the flat iron taste of it rich with smoke and darkness.

“You are mine,” he hissed before his teeth punched through flesh and muscle with a sickening crunch. Driving so deep that Devin screamed, though she mimicked the action.

He was hers, the evil voice whispered within her thoughts. No other could have him.

Her heart slammed against the back of her ribs before tumbling into a rhythm far too powerful for her body to contain. The furious beat of an enraged Alpha battering her thoughts into sticky sweet languor. He was inside her, all around her. There was no escape.

Devin groaned and bit down hard.

“Mine,” Rey husked as he lapped at the fresh flow of blood trickling down the curve of her collarbone.

Growling deep in her throat, she fisted the length of his hair. Dragging him back to the throbbing ache, shoving his mouth against it until his teeth caught hold. Silencing all but the greedy, hungry sounds they made. It was something more than sex, though he slid deep inside of her. Grinding against the helpless bucking of her hips, he held her against the crimson spotted sheets. Controlled her violence as he plucked the frail thread of the bond. Made it swell and glow within her.

She was his.

Devin could fight as hard as she wanted, but nothing would change that.

Chapter Fourteen

Devin lifted her lip in a snarl as Rey edged closer. Sucked beneath the heavy golden tide of the bond, she let her head crash into her crossed arms upon the table.

So long without the constant struggle, she’d lost control of it. If she’d ever had a handle on it. Weak in body and mind, she couldn’t even give a breath of refusal as Rey purred and tugged her closer. Propping her up against the relentless strength of his chest as he fed her small sips of the soup Beau had brought.

“I can feed my—”

“You are going to accept your Alpha’s care,” Rey said, the razored edge of his tone flaying her senses, demanding compliance though his touch remained tender and gentle.

Nothing had changed at all, and why she ever thought it had was beyond Devin. A single moment of honesty and she’d taken it at face value. Stupid.

She didn’t remember any of what he told her happened. No memory of becoming a desperate, weeping thing that begged for him to fix it. To make her whole. There were glimmers of something playing at the edges of her mind, a not-there mirage wavering in the distance, always out of reach. It refused to become clear. Devin didn’t want to believe him, but with nothing to tell her differently, she had no reason not to. Even Beau’s shuttered gaze refused to give an answer to her silent questions.

He reveled in her sparse attention, though.

The yellow tulips sat in a graceful vase in front of her, and he damn near purred as she fingered the delicate petals. Beau heated up her soup himself, standing over the stove with a wooden spoon as he tried to get her to engage. Too wrung out and distraught, Devin gave little more than half murmured responses.

Then Rey made his displeasure known. Pawing at her, gripping bruised flesh until Devin whimpered and hissed. Even then he crowded her, her chair stuttering across the smooth tile until she sat between his spread thighs.

Now he fed her like a child.
