Page 52 of Trapped

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Devin didn’t miss the arch of his back, the taut muscles of his abdomen shown in sharp relief before he settled back into the bed. The arrogant tilt of his lips didn’t escape her notice, either.

“No.” Rey slapped Beau’s side with the back of his hand, shaking his head. Devin caught his crooked grin as he leaned over to grab the cellphone from the nightstand. “Pizza or Chinese?”

“Chinese!” Devin grinned as she crawled up the bed, flipping over to lean against the rumpled pillows. Her nest was a wreck, saturated in the heady musk of two males. It didn’t bother her as much as she thought it would.

She didn’t think things had changed. Not really. There was a glimmer of hope for it as Rey grumbled and began tapping away at his phone. His free hand found her nape, working at the muscles until Devin slumped with a contented sigh. Beau’s hand slid up her thigh, finding some tight knot she hadn’t even realized was there until his fingers dug in.


They kept her distracted as they waited for the food to arrive. It wasn’t sex. Maybe. Devin tipped her head to the side with a crackling pop to release the last of the tension when Rey moved his hands to her shoulders. They were doting on her. Touching her. No doubt rubbing their scent into her skin at the same time. Both laying claim to parts of her body.

She didn’t want to examine it too closely. Not as they turned her into gooey bliss. When Rey toppled her into Beau’s side to tug on a pair of pants and greet the delivery guy, she wanted to even less. Curled against spicy cinnamon, Devin purred and stroked her hand down the defined ruggedness of his abdomen.

At the distinctive sound of plastic bags coming from the kitchen, Devin leapt from the bed and started down the hall, crooking a finger over her shoulder for Beau to follow. She didn’t bother with clothes, feeling daring and comfortable all at once. Wandering into the kitchen, she snagged a waxed paper box, giving a playful squeal as Rey smacked her ass. She scurried into her sitting room, giggling the entire way.

The biggest television was in there, with all the techy gadgets and contraptions Rey enjoyed. Plucking the remote from the side table, she aimed for the big couch. She was sore, but in the best of ways as she curled up in the soft cushions, dragging the fuzzy wool blanket over her lap.

As if it was a well practiced ritual and not the very first time, they seated themselves on either side of her. Their heat and strength crowded against her as they stole bites from each other’s plates. Some action movie played in the background, the big bangs and explosions somehow lulling Devin into a drowsy state.

Maybe it was just the intensity of the sex and the good food.

She must have fallen asleep at some point. Rey was carrying her into the bedroom, laying her out on the bed. Devin stretched and squirmed deeper into the heavy blankets he pulled up to her chin, humming as she tugged her pillow where it belonged.

He was smiling as he climbed in behind her, matching her sounds of contentment with a purr of his own. Rey wrapped Devin in his limbs until they were a hopeless tangle, the rich sound reverberating through her entire body.

“Come to bed,” Devin mumbled, languid hand outstretched to where Beau lingered in the hall.

“Stay,” Rey said through the extended purr, nuzzling Devin’s shoulder as he settled her closer to him. Making room for the larger male, an invitation into his mate’s nest.

Beau had donned boxers at some point, and he kept them on as he crawled in beside Devin. The twitch of his lips uncertain as Devin grumbled and flopped around, ready to run as she grasped his wrist and tugged him close.

Perfection. Their heartbeats pounded against her, their scents entangled as she took a deep breath, every inch of her smothered in Alpha. Nudging Beau’s arm down, she forced him to move his hand to Rey’s hip. A poke at Rey’s bicep had him cradling Beau’s neck.

It wasn’t just her. They weren’tsharingher. All of them together were in this moment, and she wanted it to last for as long as it would.

“G’night,” she said around a jaw cracking yawn, closing her eyes.

Chapter Sixteen

Devin had no idea what she’d gotten herself into.

Two weeks of constant male attention, and she’d lost her mind. That had to be the reason why she wriggled her way into the glittering gold dress with the loose strings of beads caressing her back. No bra, no underwear. She felt strange and oddly naked without them. It wasn’t as if she’d never gone without, but under Beau’s orders made it something so different.

Exhaling a shaky breath, Devin stepped into the four-inch-tall boots. Similar to the ones she’d worn that first night in Wicked, she couldn’t help but chuckle as she zipped them up to her knees.

Turning to view herself in the full-length mirror, Devin nodded her head side to side. Gold wasn’t really her color, but it was what Beau laid out on the bed after shaking her awake. He’d demanded she get up, shower, and dress. Devin decided she looked good, the light catching the gilded material to make her sparkle. She bubbled like champagne. Though she had no idea what was going on, she delighted in all the heated thoughts flitting through her mind. Maybe she would dance for them, though the tease would be short-lived with nothing beneath the glittering sequins.

Leaning towards the mirror, Devin fixed the line of deep red lipstick and stepped back to do a slow turn, taking in the sight from all angles. The dress didn’t even hit mid-thigh, and one wrong move would flash much more than the fact she wasn’t wearing anything beneath the clinging fabric. Her ass looked exquisite in the heels, though, as did her legs. Calves taut, thighs elongated, they looked delectable.

Devin snorted at the thought, glancing towards the closed bedroom door. Rey couldn’t see her, but the idea of delicious legs had to have come from him.

He’d relaxed. A lot. While no less possessive or demanding, he didn’t seem so intent on forcing it. Far less interested in crushing her beneath his will… unless it was during some debauched scene they worked out for her to play in. It was even stranger since he was sharing her with Beau, but no more than she shared him with Beau. Watching them come together, seeing the power of Rey bending Beau to his desires, was thrilling. Rey seemed to feel the same way. He was always harder, rougher, after watching Beau with her.

She’d given up rationalizing it. Stopped pretending that it made any sense at all. Two Alphas together was unheard of, but sharing a mated Omega between them was blasphemy.

There was only one thing Beau was never allowed, and they were all in silent agreement.

“How much longer,” Beau shouted through the door, the panel shuddering under the force of his impatience.

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