Page 15 of Forfeit

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“If I answer you honestly, will you eat something? They’re going to think you don’t like the food, and they don’t need that kind of stress.”

“Why the hell would anyone care—”

“If something were wrong, they would have sent for us. If shit went sideways, you’d know it.”

Devin gasped through her nose, wide eyes shimmering with tears as she turned them up to Beau. He nodded at her plate, his pale brows rising in silent command.

Spinning her fork through the slick strands, Devin stuffed a mouthful of cold pasta into her mouth. She didn’t taste the light wine sauce or the tiny shrimp, having to chew with great effort until she could swallow it down. Staring sightlessly at the disappearing meal, she shoved another laden fork’s worth between trembling lips, jaw working hard.

Beau sighed and gripped her thigh beneath the table where no one could see him. Pulling her attention to him, he tipped his head to the side, taking Devin’s hand in his to tug her along after him out of the booth.

“I’ve got some business to attend to, so just stay quiet, baby,” Beau said quietly at her ear as he led her towards a door labeled for staff in glittering gold script.

“Ah, Mr. Beaumont,” a rotund man called, bustling from behind a long metal table piled high with fresh vegetables. He wiped his hands on a towel tucked into an apron wilted from the heat and steam billowing from the stoves. His chin dropped to his chest, shoulders slumping as he stopped before them. “Was the food not agreeable? It’s of course on the—”

“It was as impeccable as always, Tony.” Beau leaned against the door of the walk-in freezer, an air of casual malevolence seeping around him as he thumbed open the button of his suit jacket. “But I don’t see Franky out there.”

Devin stifled her gasp at the gleam of cold steel at Beau’s waist, wide blue eyes skittering between the two men. Unable to slide her feet back in the tall heels she’d chosen to wear out of the store, she made an awkward retreat behind Beau’s bulk.

“He’s having to wash dishes tonight, sir. One of the staff called in sick.” Tony’s hands twisted, mangling the poor towel as his deep brown gaze flicked in Devin’s direction.

“How about you get him out here for me, Tony,” Beau crooned at the older man.

Tony leaned away, not quite daring to give Beau his back as he called for someone in what Devin assumed was Italian. The crash of metal answered before a man appeared from around a tiled wall, movements stiff as he came through the kitchen. Brown hair almost black slicked back from the sweat beading on his brow, the gleam in his dark eyes was pure hatred before he bowed his head at something Tony hissed.

“You can go now, Tony.” Beau flicked two fingers, the minute action enough to send Tony rushing into the depths of the kitchen. Settling his pale gaze on Franky, Beau caressed the butt of the gun with his palm. “I thought we had an understanding, Franky.”

“We do… sir.” It cost him to utter the words, even Devin could see that, and even then, they dripped with loathing.

Not smart.

“Ah, so it’s your father skimming from our profits this time. I guess I’ll just have—”

“My father has done nothing wrong,” Franky snarled, daring a step forward with fists clenched at his sides before he checked his rage. Arms trembling with the strain, Franky raised his head and hissed, “I have only taken what we are owed. Your fucking boss doesn’t own us, and we—”

Beau’s silence as he grabbed hold of the front of Franky’s shirt to slam him into the door of the freezer was somehow more terrifying to Devin than the action itself. She was used to his bluster, the way he bellowed and roared when he was angry. This quiet violence was not something she could prepare for.

Heels be damned, Devin hurried back several paces. Clinging to the solid steel of the table closest to the only exit she could see, she watched on with wide eyes as Beau shoved Franky higher still, letting the man’s feet kick freely.

“Perhaps we weren’t clear enough,” Beau said, his cool, measured tones worse than any yell. “Your father made an agreement with the Alpha of this city. It’s for your father and his ridiculous attachment to his only son that you’ve survived this long, boy. Mr. Kahler’s patience is running out, and I’d be more than happy to teach you another lesson.”

“Mr. Beaumont, please,” Tony shouted, voice hoarse with the tears shimmering in his eyes as he rushed from some dark corner. Stopping short of interceding, he bowed at the waist and spoke to the thick rubber mats. “He has stopped his foolishness, I promise you. If there is something wrong, it was from… from before. Whatever is missing, I will pay it now.”

“That true, Franky? Have you stopped all of your foolishness?” Beau leaned in, one pale brow rising as his lips twisted up at the corner into a deadly smirk.

“I haven’t… touched… the books,” Franky wheezed, face growing a deep red as Beau added more pressure against his chest, stealing away every breath.

“Tell me, Tony, how’s our little Linda,” Beau asked without taking his eyes off Franky. While both males stiffened at the mention of the name, it was Franky’s lip that curled, baring his teeth in a snarl he was quick to hide away.

“She is… fine, thank you for asking.” Tony’s face turned a ruddy amber, breaths grinding in his throat as he bowed lower.

“Healing up nicely?” Beau’s smile was bright and twisted as he tipped his head back and inhaled the scent of Tony’s utter terror and Franky’s anger.

“Yes, sir,” Tony rasped, somehow bowing even lower as he kept his eyes locked on the floor.

“Good! I do hope to see her back soon, helping your family thrive in our fair city.” Though he said the words, his tone spoke volumes. Whatever happened to this Linda, Beau had been the one to do it to her, and he’d enjoyed it. Leaning close to Franky, Beau gave a toothy smile. “Perhaps you should go visit your sweet little sister, hm? Remind yourself who gets hurt when you fuck with the wrong people.”

Beau stepped back, letting Franky go so that he was forced to stumble back to his feet. Though he lunged up, facing Beau head on, Tony’s hand prevented him from doing anything stupid. Devin let out a shaky breath, ripping her gaze away from the scene as Franky turned the bitter glare of his eyes on her.
