Page 18 of Forfeit

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White hot and boiling, Devin’s anger sputtered over her lips. Craning her neck, she caught sight of the dark Alpha and bared her teeth at him. She didn’t care who he was. This was theirs, and no one else’s. “That is none of your fucking business, asshole!”

“Devin,” Rey ground out. He gave her a light shake that managed to scramble her thoughts, tucking her head back against him.

Not before she saw the flicker of amusement in Kahler’s cold, dead gaze or the way those same eyes raked over Devin with sudden interest.

“How banally familiar,” he murmured, returning to his slow circling. In a measured tone he asked, “And it worked, after Morozov and Caivano?”

“During and after,” Rey said, petting Devin’s back in a bid to keep her calm. “I’m telling you, I heard her. No way we would have found her so fast otherwise.”

Kahler grunted again, still making those infuriating circuits around them. “And did it help with what was done?”

Now it was Rey’s turn to be on edge, fingertips digging in on either side of Devin’s spine as he straightened. Becoming larger, taller as he wrapped the power of his presence around Devin in a comforting buffer. “It did, but only because I listened to her.”

Devin expected the hard scoff from Kahler, even the shake of Beau’s head. They didn’t matter. Rey saying it out loud, the rumble of his voice strong against her cheek, she would have melted against him had they been anywhere else.

“Can I trust you, Daniel,” Kahler asked, quiet and deadly now as he leaned against his desk.

Chapter Five

Rey tensed under Devin’s hands, but he kept an outward appearance of calm as he answered. “I’ve never given you a reason not to, sir.”

“Ah, but I’m not asking you to ship a few crates of guns or a handful of bitches off.”

“Maybe if you told me what this is all about then?”

Kahler’s growl was no less dangerous for how hushed it was. As Devin peeked around the snarled fall of her hair, she saw the pinched set of his hard features, the way his brows knit. He didn’t like this, a fact that exuded from him with the acrid taste of ash and smoke.

“Curtis will take her home. We have business to discuss.” Going behind the huge desk, Kahler sat in the chair and curled two fingers to beckon Rey and Beau closer.

“Don’t,” Devin whispered as she clung tighter to Rey’s shirt, pressing her body as close as she could to his.

“Everything will be fine,” Rey murmured as he started them towards the door. “I’m going to call Jackson and he’ll meet you at the house. He knows where the guns are and will show you.”

“Don’t do this, Daniel!”

“Is there a problem,” Kahler asked, a razored edge to his tone belying the bored quality of his words.

“No, sir,” Beau answered for them as Rey pushed Devin through the doorway.

“Devin, it’s going to be okay,” Rey said through a quiet growl, crushing Devin against him and whispering his lips over hers. “Do as I say and go.”

With that, he shoved her into Curtis’ waiting hands, closing the door in Devin’s face.

Looking down his broad nose at her, Curtis closed his fingers over Devin’s wrist and pulled her along after him as he made his way back through the malicious silence of the house. He offered no sympathy, jerking her hard enough to make Devin stumble each time she faltered.

Nearing the front doors, a baby’s wail echoed through the stillness. A woman’s ragged sob followed, a door rattling on its hinges somewhere up above them. Curtis’ cruel grip thwarted Devin’s attempts to pause as he dragged her the last few feet before he grabbed her shoulder and shoved her outside, slamming the door behind them.

“You heard nothing,” Curtis snarled, bringing their faces close.

“N-Nothing,” Devin repeated on a ragged whisper.

Pushed into a waiting car that reeked of money and danger, Devin huddled against the smooth leather as Curtis drove her back into the city. Neither spoke a word during the long drive. Even when he pulled into the driveway of the sprawling house and came around to open her door, Curtis remained cold and aloof.

She shouldn’t expect anything less from a man who seemed to be Kahler’s right hand.

Devin scurried around his dark presence, swift steps carrying her up the walk to where three men waited. Recognizing them all, she bolted inside. Devin didn’t wait for Jackson to follow her, to see if anything might be said. She ran straight for the bedroom, only now noticing her sleek heels were gone as she dove into the bed.

Suffocating herself with the comforting weight of Rey’s scent permeating every fiber of her nest, Devin muffled the first sob.
