Page 31 of Forfeit

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Bristling at the heavy handed treatment and patronizing tone, Devin snatched her arm free of Rey’s grip. Shimmying between the desk and filing cabinet, she went to the other side to avoid his touch. She should have known it was a lie. Tears burned the back of her eyes, but she’d be damned if she let them fall.

“You said—”

“You’ll do as you’re told. Now come here.”

“Rey, back off,” Beau muttered, slouching further in the chair to make it groan under his bulk as the rust crusted metal threatened to come apart.

“You get back to work. We’re leaving.” He snapped his fingers at Devin, two strides bringing him around the desk and to the door.

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” Devin hissed, skirting back behind the desk to keep the heavy piece of steel between them. “You don’t get to treat me like some kind of dog!”

She saw the flash of anger, the heat of it searing through the marrow of her bones to burn her to ash in its wake. Rey was on her in an instant, the desk sent slamming into the wall. It punched through cheap plaster, leaving a gaping hole as papers and electronics scattered over the floor. Devin rushed away, dodging his reaching hands. Every instinct told her not to, to never run from an Alpha, but she couldn’t stop it as she went to the door. Clammy hands stuttered over the slick brass before Beau’s terrifying frame blocked her, his snarl loud against her hair as he shoved Devin back into the room. Helping Rey to keep her trapped.

“No,” Devin whimpered as Rey caught her with ease. Lifting her up and pinning her arms until her struggles dwindled to weak kicks.

A dark thought invaded her mind. To wrench on the bond, to tear it asunder, but it left her as soon as it formed. She couldn’t do that again, to either of them. Her head fell forward, thick tears clogging her throat, choking her as she refused to shed them.

She didn’t know why it’d gone so wrong. What should have been an easy time, something she could find joy in every day, was snatched away before she’d even truly tasted it. The bitter ash of defeat tasted oily and caustic on her tongue as Devin turned her head aside to avoid Beau’s searching blue eyes.

He would force her to remain in the house under lock and key again. Make her waste away into nothing while he tried to fill her with babies she was becoming more and more certain would never come. The sound Devin made wasn’t a sob. It was desolation and misery. The cautious flicker of light she’d been tending so fervently to faded, daring to snuff itself out.

Devin made no other sound as Rey bundled her in his coat, shouldering Beau aside to hurry his way to the back entrance. Not a word as he strapped her in and drove through the cold, dead night back to the cheery warmth of their home. She didn’t even look at Rey as he shuffled her clothes off, her single act of defiance turning to her stomach when he climbed on the bed after her.

She didn’t want to see his face while she died inside.

* * *

When Devin dragged herself from the bed crusted with fluids to stumble into the shower, her eyes slid right over Beau. Slinking into the shower, she didn’t bother scrubbing herself raw or trying to rid herself of Rey’s scent. He’d just replace it with more, burying her in the ruined nest with demands she look at him, see him.

That awful night had passed, and the next day he had picked up the thread right where he left off. His fury was a living thing. Tangible and savage as it ripped at her soul with wild abandon. Her anger was nothing to him. The wants and needs of a single, small Omega not enough to register.

He’d said he’d listen to her, that he’d hear her.

Lies. All of it was lies.

“Get dressed, baby,” Beau murmured from the shadowed corner as she emerged, dripping all over the floor and not caring one whit.

Devin gave a faint shake of her head. He didn’t want her dressed. Rey was adamant about it. Ripped her clothes the morning before, or was it two days ago? She’d lost track of time and space, everything dwindling down to the sullen hours when he let her be and the blazing fire when he returned.

“Snap the fuck out of it and get dressed,” he snarled, hands slamming down on Devin’s shoulders to whirl her towards him.

The shock of sensation from his touch was nothing compared to the icy rage that flowed over her. At first she didn’t understand why he would be angry with her, flinching away only to be brought flush to Beau’s chest. It took a long time for her muddled thoughts to understand he was still talking to her.

“… not going to let him do this to you. We’re going.”

“Going? Where?”

“To the club, Devin. Weren’t you listening to me, baby?”

“I-I can’t. He’s still so mad, and—”

“I don’t give a damn. If he doesn’t see that you need this, then he’s an idiot and I’ll deal with him. Besides, if we’re careful, he’ll never know.” Beau eased her back, giving her a sly wink. Acting as if they snuck around doing something harmless.

But if Rey did find out, and Devin was sure he would, it would mean nothing good for her. Still, she found herself reaching into the closet to pull out reasonable clothing, something that covered most of her body but was befitting an Alpha of Rey’s standing. Not her frumpy jeans, but the smart pantsuit in shades of indigo that brought out the violet of her eyes.

“That’s really nice,” Beau murmured as he watched her dress, open in his admiration without Rey there to growl and snarl at him. “I knew my sense of style would rub off on you while you rode my cock.”

“Don’t be crude,” Devin whispered, not really believing that she was doing it even as she slipped her feet into the low heels.
