Page 33 of Forfeit

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“I fucking care about her, asshole,” Beau bellowed, slamming his fist down on the desk. “You think I’d let something happen to her? I love you too damned much to let that happen.”

“You only think about yourself and what you want, Beau,” Rey snarled, shoving Devin into the rolling chair so that she teetered for a long, breathless moment before all five wheels settled back onto the ground. “You can’t begin to understand what this is like for me.”

“You think I can’t see how much pain you’re in? Or her for that matter! You’re killing it again, Daniel, and I can’t stand by and let it happen. If I can’t have you, then at least be fucking happy with her.”

Devin blinked back tears, oddly moved by this outpouring of emotion from Beau. She’d had no idea he felt this way, that he’d resigned himself to the fact he could have neither of them. Some part of her always expected his contempt and derision, not this admission of concern and esteem.

“Go on. Tell her how it’s been more of the same since we’ve started doing this, and I’ll call you a liar. I’ve seen the change in both of you, and don’t you dare tell me it hasn’t gotten better where I can’t.” Beau’s cerulean gaze was brighter than usual, shimmering with what Devin could only guess were tears, though he’d likely hit her if she pointed them out.

“No…” Rey glanced down at Devin, a flicker of shame unfurling in his dark eyes before he looked back to Beau, becoming hard and cold. “No, she’s responding to her Alpha. She should be due for a heat—”

“Do not say that, Daniel,” Devin said, and though she kept her voice quiet and nonthreatening, there was no mistaking the resolve simmering under the surface. “I haven’t had any kind of pattern, not with the drugs and-and everything else. I’m not going into heat.”

“You don’t know that.” Rey let out a weary sigh, and whether he recognized the fact he repeated something Devin often said, he would never admit it.

“I don’t feel anything like I did before. I know that. You would notice a difference, too, not just my interest. And, well, you can’t say—”


Devin snapped her teeth over her next words, cutting them off before she could lay out their dirty laundry for Beau to inspect at leisure. If Rey didn’t want him to know, she wouldn’t disclose it.

“Let me do this, Daniel,” Devin said as she rose with slow, easy movements. Going to her mate, she ran her hands up the broadness of his chest to cup his jaw. It lingered on her tongue that he’d promised her this already, that he’d proven himself a liar for good if he denied her, but she softened her body and gaze as he gathered her close to rub his coarse cheek against her crown.

“All right, sweetheart. You win.”

Chapter Nine

Months passed without incident. Devin went into the club for several hours every night to see to the accounting, and another woman she’d helped interview and hire took care of the day shift. Things were running smoothly, and Devin was happy.

Not only were she and Rey on something of a similar schedule but freeing him from keeping Devin shackled to his side meant Beau got a day off now and then, which made him ecstatic. The man wasn’t built for a day-to-day job. Things were still a bit tense between the three of them, Beau’s admission lingering in the cold, empty space in the strange triangle that had fallen apart without Devin even realizing it.

Sighing as she began getting dressed on a fine evening with the first taste of true Spring on the air, she wondered if everything wasn’t going just a little too well, all things considered. Rey drove her to the club at seven o’clock on the dot, one or the other of them remaining with her for a good hour before they left Devin to her own devices within the small office which had undertaken a massive change despite her insistence she didn’t need new things. No paint peeled, all the rusted furniture chucked into the Dumpster, replaced with a fine wooden desk that was almost too big for the space, and a sleek new computer that didn’t stall out every time she opened more than two programs. Her new chair was her only concession to luxury, a high-backed model she could curl up in with knees tucked to her chest as she typed away.

Smiling at her thoughts, Devin wandered into the sitting room to wait for Rey. He’d had to do something before picking her up, but he should be arriving soon enough. Settling onto the couch, Devin’s mind wandered. Mainly to the thing that had been bothering her.

Rey had remarked days ago her scent seemed different, mellowed somehow though richer. He couldn’t quite explain it, but Devin knew what he meant. While they both agreed it was strange, he hadn’t seemed to find it of any particular interest. A mere passing thought mentioned as they curled up in bed after a long night.

Devin wondered if this was some forewarning of an oncoming heat. It was nothing like what she’d experienced with the hormones, but those forced it. Perhaps this was all normal. She should ask him to see a doctor and find out, but she couldn’t find enough concern to make a fuss just yet. Fingers tapping a gentle pattern against her belly, Devin twitched her shoulders in a shrug and stared in sightless contemplation out of the curtained window.

The rumble of an engine sent a thrill of excitement through her, ready for her day to begin. Without waiting for Rey to come for her, she hurried out of the front door without a thought.

Devin barely managed to swallow her scream as strong hands grabbed hold of her shoulders to stop her from ramming into a body. Not Rey, not a hint of earthy musk to be found amid the scent of lavender underscoring the decidedly feminine musk. Lavender, lemon, and something spicy…

“Ashley?” Devin’s gaze swung up in startled joy, grasping Ashley’s elbows.

“Dev…” Ash trailed off, taking a small sniff as her brow furrowed. Clearing her throat, she forced a smile to paint her lips. “How are you, hon?”

“I’m okay. Good, actually.”

“Uh, okay. Good, that’s good.” Seeming distracted, Ashley continued to hold Devin as if she was ready to shake some sense into her.

“Ashley, what’s wrong? Rey will be here soon, and I don’t think it would be a good idea for you to be here when he does.”

“Are you happy? I mean, really?”

“I… I think so. At least, I’m on my way to being there.”

Ashley’s pale blue eyes flicked over Devin’s shoulder. Devin started to turn, wondering what she was looking at, only to have Ashley’s hands holding her still. Before Devin could ask what was going on, rough hands grabbed hold of her from behind, a large palm clamping down over her mouth to muffle her screams.
