Page 4 of Forfeit

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A series of rapid-fire pops filtered through the open door. They exploded through her brain, shuddering down her spine as Devin tried to curl up into a ball. Callous hands wouldn’t let her. Hauled from the table, a wide palm slapped to her backside, the other pinning her head to an expansive wall of muscle.

Chest cracking open, the wild roar surged through her veins. The ferocious rhythm too much for her body to withstand.

Jostling in the crushing grip, the world flew past. Bodies ran in the opposite direction, towards a volatile explosion of sound. That small part of rational thought hanging on by a thread decided it was more gun fire.

Rey. He’d come for her.

Devin went limp with relief, tears hot as they trickled free to stain the torn shirt smashed against her cheek. Chill fingers of air grabbed at her, prickling her skin. The rush of wind tugged at strands of her hair as they burst out into the night. The Alpha carrying her thought to keep her docile with the deep rumble of his purr.

Her mate wasn’t there. It wasn’t his hands on her, not his scent clogging the back of her throat. Devin cried out as they hurried through the shadows towards a waiting car. She knew if he put her in there, the chances of Rey finding her in time were nonexistent.

Devin tightened her hold on the Alpha’s neck, dragging herself up his body. Offering low whines and stammering cries until his gruff snarl resolved into the loosening of his hold. He let her climb up his body to bury her face against his neck, for all the world a frenzied Omega high on the scent of a primal male.

Devin’s lip curled as she pressed her mouth against the hammering pulse below his jaw. Teeth flashing in the dim glow of the moon creeping through the trees, she caught and held the thin flesh. She bit deep into the corded muscle, ripping her head back with a throaty howl wet with the wash of flat iron that followed.

The Alpha roared, his arms tightening, threatening to break her far smaller body before letting Devin crash to the frozen ground. He stomped her into the dirt as he staggered to catch his balance. Morozov held a hand to the torn flesh of his neck, blood seeping through his fingers. His free hand arced towards Devin, colliding with the side of her face.

Devin’s head whipped to the side, her body following. Sprawled over crumbling dirt and shards of broken asphalt, her stomach twisted and heaved. The dizzying array of colors swirling through her vision threatened to fade to gray as she sputtered and choked.

Morozov captured her legs, dragging her over the rough terrain. Closer and closer to the idling growl of the car. Kicking did nothing. Curling up the length of her body, muscles quivering with the effort, she raked the jagged edge of her nails down the hands holding her.

Shouts sounded somewhere behind her, but Devin was far too intent on maiming the face rushing towards her. Teeth sunk into the high, firm hill of a cheekbone, nails gouging thick lines over the ridge of an infuriated bronze eye.

In a last concerted effort as her upper half was pulled inside the smoky darkness of the backseat, Devin lunged forward. Planting her face into the male’s lap and biting down on the first thing her mouth closed over. Thick flesh crushed between her teeth. The beast howled.

Hurling herself from the car as it sped off, she landed in a tangle of limbs. Devin rolled through the frosted weeds that scraped and tore at her flesh. Blinking up at the pinpricks of stars in the velvety black sky, her lungs refused to draw another breath.

“Over here!”

The perfect shade of brown appeared before her. Too wide, the starkness of the whites made them seem all the darker. He was shades of warmth, not a hint of winter coldness about him. Lush lips she knew as well as her own moved, but no sound breached the clamor within her head. Smearing bright swathes of red over his skin, Devin cupped his face and brought him close.

She whined as her busted lip poured the coppery tang into her mouth, muting the utter perfection of earthy darkness.

“It’s okay, sweetheart. I have you.”

Devin growled as he pet at her. Golden fire surging through her, a rush of slick painted her thighs as she squirmed against Rey. Tugging at his clothes, she struggled to hook sluggish limbs around him. She didn’t understand the lowering of his brows, the way he held her back. She grew furious with his denial, baring her bloodied teeth.

The depth of his purr was divine, the pitch of it perfect as it resonated through her. It washed away all the anger, all the lingering hints of pain. Leaving her boneless as he gathered her into his arms.

Devin gave a broken purr, nuzzling his neck. She didn’t even mind the crush of bodies surrounding them as Rey made his way to a dark car. Climbing into the backseat with her, his purr grew even louder. Calming her as Devin tried to rub against him, to drag his hands where she needed his touch.

“I need you to sleep now, sweetheart,” he said through the extended resonance, the bond flaring just the once. Adding a command to the quiet words that she couldn’t resist.

Devin hummed and closed her eyes, though true sleep evaded her all through the long drive. Much farther than she would have thought, but it didn’t matter so long as Rey cuddled her close.

Chapter Two

“I’m fine, Daniel.” Devin let out a gusty sigh, snuggling deeper into her blanket. Curled up on the couch with a ridiculous array of hot beverages and snacks, she wasn’t fine at all. He smothered her with his hovering and clucking. Trying to get Rey to go away for more than a moment was impossible.

“You don’t like the hot chocolate?” He leaned closer, pressing against her side as he tried to curl an arm around her.

“It’s fine,” Devin snapped as she slammed the mug down onto the side table, a wave of sweet chocolate cresting over the rim to splash Devin’s fingers and the polished wood. Inexplicable tears welled in her eyes, a sob bursting free not too long after.

Everything felt wrong. Not just a feeling of wrongness, everything was not right. It was all a disaster.

Two weeks sincetheincident, as Rey kept referring to it, and she was still a complete wreck. Devin jumped at every shadow and was plagued by nightmares. Ridiculous, all things considered. She wasn’t the first Omega to be kidnapped, and they hadn’t done anything to her. Not really. Yet she was terrorized every time she closed her eyes. Sometimes it didn’t even take that for the ghostly images to haunt her.

In addition, Rey terminated the violent heat as soon as they’d arrived back in Alderbrook. Beau injected her with the same viscous concoction he’d given her before, but the effects lingered even now. Her skin felt too tight, crawling with sensations that swung between overwhelming and numbness. Irrationally angry and depressed by turns, Devin found herself crying over the stupidest things. A single act was enough to send her into tears.
