Page 42 of Forfeit

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“Then you have nothing to be worried about to give me the three days.”

Devin cleared her throat, angling her gaze down to the floor as she hid deeper in the folds of the blanket. “You want me to-to debase myself for three days to prove I won’t change my mind, then you’re going to say because I can’t deny my instincts that I agreed to it all along. Nice try.”

“I’m not going to sleep with you, Devin,” Max said, words couched in endless patience and understanding.

“Then what are you proposing?” Leaning further away, she had a blood curdling idea of where this was going.

“I’m gonna court you, honey.”

“I’m a mated Omega. I don’t want you to—”

“Three days or I give you no choice in the matter.”

No longer patient and gentle, the hard edge of his voice flayed skin from bone. Devin tried to bristle, to argue the point further, but a single glance up had the words crawling back down her throat. She reminded herself to be placating, to look for the moment when she could get away. Rey would be looking for her, and if it was anything like last time, he’d know right where she was.

She just had to be quick enough he didn’t stumble into the middle of all of this.

“Fine,” she said, a bit too forcefully. Softening her tone, she gave a slow nod of acceptance. “Fine. Three days.”

“Good.” Max stood, all congenial smiles and politeness as he held out a hand to Devin to draw her out of her defensive huddle. Once he had her in his grip, he guided her over to the closet door.

Brows drifting down, she kicked herself for not having checked the space more thoroughly as he led her through the spacious closet to a bathroom. Releasing her, Max gave her a light nudge toward the shower.

Afraid he’d go back on his word so soon, she breathed a sigh of relief as Max slipped right back out of the room to head into the bedroom. She still waited until she was in the shower stall to undress, hanging the shirt off of the towel rack to keep it close by. Uncertain what, if anything, she’d be given to wear next, she wanted to keep her options open.

There was an expensive bottle of soap for Omegas sitting front and center, with the plastic still wrapped around the cap. Same for bottles of shampoo and conditioner, all brands she didn’t recognize. She took a cautious sniff of them all, surprised when the unusual scents came to her. The soap to mute her fragrance wasn’t the usual bland herbal and citrus fragrance she was used to. It smelled of oranges spiced with ginger, an underlying note of sandalwood warming it even further. Devin was pleased to note that it hid her sweetness without issue, melding with it in a way her normal soap didn’t. Humming with appreciation, she tried the shampoo and conditioner, working both through the unruly locks that now hung down to her waist in a thick sheet.

Devin could admit that the man could pick a scent, or whoever had purchased these could. Rinsing the lemongrass and ginger through the silky strands, she fairly purred.

Most Alphas dressed Omegas in sickly sweet flower scents. She was happy to see Max differed in that.

After finishing her shower, ready to face the next oncoming hurdle wrapped in a massive towel of bright yellow with her previous t-shirt covering as much of her damp skin as it could, she was shocked to find Max gone from the room entirely. He’d left clothing lying on the bed.

Jeans, a blouse of silky material, and boots with a reasonable heel. They all looked to be about her size, and the bastard had even included a lacy black underwear set that smelled of nothing but plastic packaging. Sighing hard as he made it a little more difficult to remain furious, she shimmied her way into jeans that were just this side of snug, the top the perfect fit in a stunning blue that brought out the color of her eyes.

Devin admired the shape of her backside in the mirror for a brief moment before remembering no part of this was meant to be good.

She turned away from the mirror as Max knocked and entered without waiting for an answer. If he was hoping to get an eyeful, it wasn’t apparent, since he seemed pleased to find her preening in front of the mirror all the same. Grumbling her dissatisfaction, Devin took a step forward with hands wringing.

Now what would he expect of her?

“Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?”


* * *

“I won’t let you fall.”

Max’s voice whipped around her face as the wind lashed a crazed strand of her hair that had worked its way free of the helmet around her head. He didn’t wear one, which terrified her more than the rumbling beast between her thighs or the scenery flying past them on either side.

Maybe she was holding onto his waist too tight, but she couldn’t help it.

“Come on, honey. You’re safe,” he shouted over the air screaming through her ears.

Scaring her half to death, he took one hand from the handles. Max curled his fingers around her thigh. Squeezing it in what she supposed was meant to be a comforting grip, he left it there as a heavy promise of more.

Devin took a shaky breath, releasing his waist in small increments. When she didn’t tumble over the side, she grew a little braver. Moving one hand away, she raised her hand into the raging gusts.
