Page 44 of Forfeit

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“You have a daughter,” Devin demanded in a hoarse croak.

“I do. She’s only a few months old which is the only reason she’s not with me.”

“You would take a child from her mother?”

“Her mama’s a Beta who wasn’t much interested in having a baby from a one-night stand, but she understood it was important to me. That and she likes the money I’m giving her for the trouble of it.” Max’s only concession to his anger was a crackling pop as he crushed his knuckles against his opposite palm, cracking them all in one shot. “If she gets used to the idea of motherhood during the interim, we’ll discuss it, but so far she’s shown little interest.”

“That would have been something to mention to the Omega you’re courting.” Devin scrambled for something else to say but couldn’t. Her never silent tongue cut sail and abandoned ship as she stared at the glittering green eyes before her.

“And I would have. Just not on the first date.”

“And…” Devin trailed off as a young waitress who stumbled all over herself while setting out the large platters of food all over the table came by, waiting for her to leave before she picked up her train of thought. “And that’s all this is. A date?”

“Yes, that’s all this is.”

“Interesting.” Devin hmphed and looked at the plates, eying the amount of food with consternation. Even for an Alpha, there was a lot of it. Dragging a plate of chicken closer, she picked up the thigh and took a cautious bite. None of the smells had bothered her, but she’d been wary until juice and fat flooded over her tongue.

The evening progressed with her divulging more information about her life in a single sitting than she had with any number of people her entire life. The trials of home and expectations, the struggle of college. She’d enjoyed his surprise when she told him she’d not only gone but finished. Devin glossed over those last few months before Rey, citing that an incident had left her struggling. That was when she’d gone to the club. She refused to tell him of Beau, of all the pain he’d put her through before Rey took her for good.

He didn’t want to know about all of that anyhow. Concentrating on every tidbit she offered, he asked her to expand on the strangest things. Like how she’d liked college, had she had friends there. He’d heard it was harder for Omegas just for being ostracized.

He was no less forthcoming, explaining his mother was an Omega, father an Alpha. He’d learned what a good relationship looked like from them, eight siblings and fifty years later. Max had always wanted to find that with an Omega, but once he’d become an Alpha of a territory, it had been a narrow selection. He didn’t want the doe-eyed waifs who bowed to his every whim, and he had little interest in the flat scent of a Beta, though they were nice enough women.

When he talked about his daughter though, he came alive. Animated as he spoke of how smart she seemed already, how beautiful she’d been from the beginning, and yes he did have pictures. Of course, he wanted more children, but he said he understood Devin’s stance. He didn’t want to make a baby factory out of anyone. It should be mutual, and adoption was always an option.

Something almost unheard of fell from the Alpha’s lips like it was an everyday occurrence.

“Why is everyone still staring at us,” Devin muttered, shoving the remains of a plate away.

“I told you, it’s because you’re so beautiful,” he said, quick to add on, “but it may also be because that might be the first time they’ve seen me willingly share my food with anyone.”

“Did I eat your food,” Devin asked as she reached for a plate in front of him to view its contents only to see it was empty of anything except bones picked clean.

“I’m happy to share. You need it.”

“Not if I want to stay in these jeans, I don’t.”

“I won’t tell anyone if you want to pop the button on the way back.” Max laughed as Devin’s cheeks warmed, rising to gather her from the other side of the table.

The walk back to the bike was easy, congenial. Devin felt almost relaxed in his company, though she struggled to remember this was completely against her will.

It was just so very different. He was listening to her, taking notes of her likes and dislikes. Wanted to know more…

Sighing, Devin jammed the helmet down on her head and let Max settle her weight over the back of the bike.

The place he’d been holding her wasn’t a house at all, but a clubhouse of sorts. There was a bar, an area to gather, pool tables. All the sorts of accoutrements she imagined a biker club would keep nearby. There were also bedrooms and simple bathrooms on one side of the building to house anyone needing a place to crash after a hard night of carousing.

“You said you wouldn’t sleep with me,” Devin reminded him as Max stopped at the door of what she’d found out was his permanent residence. He was looking for a house now, something for him and his daughter.

“Do I get to kiss you good night?”


“Not even going to think about it, eh?” Max smiled though his tone held a note of disappointment.

“I had a good time, I won’t lie, but I don’t want that.” Devin crossed her arms, looking anywhere but up at him. She hoped she hadn’t pushed him too far, every Alpha’s ego a razor edge of what would or wouldn’t offend them.

“All right then.” Max took her hand, prying open her fingers to kiss the deep red crescents her nails had left on her palm. “Wear whatever you want from the closet.”
