Page 52 of Forfeit

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Devin eyed the blindfold with apprehension, taking a slow step back. Away from the too large and imposing Alpha who was no longer kind and almost sweet, the great gray hulk of the unmarked van behind him.

“Why?” Voice little more than a breath of a squeak, she flinched as the wind picked up, the fabric seeming to reach for her.

“You don’t know where we are right now, and I’ll be damned if I’ll put my people in jeopardy.” Lip lifting in a quiet snarl, his voice became an aggressive growl as he demanded, “You think I’m going to hurt you now?”

“You’re putting me in the back of a van with a blindfold on, you can’t expect me to be easy breezy about that,” Devin hissed, snatching the blindfold from his hand. Wringing the cloth between her clenched fists, she reclaimed that lost step. “At least let me get in first.”

“Put it on. Now.”

With a frustrated sigh, Devin slid the blindfold into place over her eyes and tied it tight behind her head. Winced as she tugged a handful of strands out in the process. She had to swallow her scream as his large hands came around her hips, lifting her up. He wasn’t unkind about putting her into the back of the van, her body landing with a soft bounce across the thin mattress.

Head canted, she listened to the overly loud sounds of the door slamming shut, him climbing behind the wheel. The growl of the engine was terrifying before the vehicle lurched into motion.

“Try and get some sleep. We’ve got a ways.”

Devin felt her way down the mattress, teeth clenched tight as every manner of horror played out behind the too tight slip of fabric. She laid down on her side, hands fisted in a shield over her stomach before she curled up around them. If anything happened, she’d be helpless to stop it, but the least she could do was protect the little bundle of cells.

Her baby.

She still couldn’t quite believe it, despite all the signs that this had been going on for some time. Rey would be ecstatic once he found out. If he let her tell him. If he even wanted to hear her side of events once he smelled another male on her skin.

It wouldn’t be the first time an Alpha abandoned an Omega. She could only hope it was different with the two-way bond, that he’d see past his instinctual rage.

That he’d listen and not hurt her and the little bundle.

With those thoughts running rampant, Devin drifted into an uneasy slumber. She woke in fits, the steady hum of the wheels and growl of the engine lulling her back to sleep. Uneasy dreams plagued her, mostly of Rey, but a few of Max. She hated the way she cried into the mattress, the way his stilted purr filled the van to quiet her.

How well it worked.

The van coming to a stop an eternity later woke her from a nasty dream of Rey shouting her name, covered in her blood. She bolted upright, hands out to shove away the awful images.

Max caught her hands with a low growl, hauling her out of the van to scrape her knees over the rough asphalt before he dragged her upright. Leaning her against something hard and cold, he got close enough the warm wash of his breath fanned over her face.

“You wait till you can’t hear that engine anymore before you take it off. There’s a payphone right behind you. Quarter’s on top of it.”

“You can’t leave me here blindfolded,” Devin said, whining low in her throat at the thought of being alone Gods’ knew where, utterly helpless.

“No one’s around. You’ll be fine.”

Then he kissed her.

Long and deep, his tongue invading her. Slanting over her mouth to deepen the kiss even further, he assaulted her senses. Making her taste him, feel him, in a way that left her breathless and longing before he stole it all away.

Just like that, he was gone. The warmth of him snatched away by the biting wind so close to the water.

Devin cringed, wondering where he’d left her. How was she supposed to tell Rey where she was, how to get to her? With the lingering taste of woods and smoke on her tongue inundating her, she tugged the slip of cloth free and looked around with bleary eyes as the sound of the engine faded into nothing.

A sign proclaiming Alderbrook was five miles away sent hope flaring to life through her chest. Whirling on her heel, trembling fingers grabbed the waiting quarter and shoved it into the slot. She knew his number by heart, tapping them out with careful precision lest she make a mistake and lose the precious money.

One ring became three, and still no answer. On the fourth she almost hung up, hoping the quarter would be returned.

“Who the fuck is this,” Beau answered in a hushed snarl.

“Oh, thank you Gods,” Devin sobbed, falling to her knees among the brush and stained gravel to curl around the receiver. “Beau! Where is he? Please, I need him to come get me.”

“Devin?” Incredulity and joy warred in the sound of her name, but it was the enraged roar from someone else that caught and held her attention.

