Page 12 of Casper VanHorne

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I folded my arms and arched an eyebrow in disbelief. “Are you trying to convince me your granddaughter hired killers to take me out?”

He waved a hand and started to pace.

“Casper, what the hell is going on?”

“Lyssa, Farrah, and Mariah got into Torch’s computer. He usually keeps his home office locked and Wire helped him secure his computer. It seems Torch was in a hurry when Isabella got sick the other morning, and the kids got into his office and accessed his files and email.”

“Um. Casper. That’s completely insane. You know that, right? There’s no way some little kids sent those men.”

He gave a humorless laugh and pulled out his cell phone, then dialed a number and put it on speaker.

“Now what, fucker?” a gruff voice demanded.

“Torch, could you please tell my wife what you already told me? She thinks I’m making it up.”

Torch growled and I heard something slamming around. “Fucking kids.”

“Wait.” I moved closer to the phone. “Are you telling me that it’s true? Your kids tried to have me killed?”

Torch sighed and I heard what sounded like boots on a wood floor. Then the creak of a door.

“All right, brats, tell your Grandma Carmella what you did,” Torch said.

Casper snickered at the name and I glared.

“We’re sorry,” said a contrite girl’s voice. “We thought you were a bad lady. We didn’t mean to hurt you, Grandma Carmella.”

I was going to kill Torch for labeling me as “grandma” when I was younger than his wife. But the little girl on the phone was melting my heart.

“Sweetheart, how exactly did you send those men to the house?” I asked.

“Daddy’s book just said ‘clean-up crew’ so we thought they would make you not bad anymore,” said Lyssa.

“Carmella was never bad,” Casper said. “You know what you did was incredibly wrong, right?”

“Theywere wrong?” Torch asked. “Care to tell them what happened when those men broke into your house? For that matter, you owe me for them going out there to begin with. They took that shit out of the balance I keep with their company; you know for when I actually need them.”

“Shut it, old man.” Casper sneered at the device in his hand. “I thought they were going to kill my wife. And no, I’m not paying for that shit! If you’d had your computer locked down, none of this would have happened.”

“Grandpa, I’m really sorry,” Lyssa said. “Daddy said Santa is going to bring me coal now, and I really wanted some video games.”

“I think you’ve had enough time with electronic devices,” Torch said. “We’ll discuss this more later. I’m very disappointed with you.”

I heard the door close and Torch sighed.

“So your kid really did send those men? How? I mean… I guess you explained how, but this all seems to…”

Torch snorted and Casper did as well at the same time.

“I think your daughter frightens me,” I said.

“That’s nothing. You should meet Havoc and Jordan’s little demon spawn. Now that kid is going to be trouble. Hell, maybe she’ll take over Casper’s job when he retires.”

“I -- I -- I…” I sank onto the sofa and just stared. What the hell kinds of kids were these? Maybe I should rethink the whole marriage to Casper thing. If he came as a package deal with kids who could send killers after someone, I wasn’t sure I wanted to be part of the family after all.

“I think we broke her. I’ll call you later. And make sure that shit with those men is handled. I don’t want anyone knocking on my door because I protected my wife just because you can’t control your family,” Casper said, then hung up the call.

He hunkered in front of me, reaching for my hands. I felt… I didn’t know what the hell I felt. Kids had tried to have me killed. Kids. Had. Tried. To. Kill. Me. I couldn’t quite process what sorts of evil little demons would do such a thing. Even living in the shadow of my father, I’d never experienced anything like this. Maybe I didn’t want to meet them, or their parents.
