Page 5 of Casper VanHorne

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She pulled her hand from mine and looked away. “You didn’t want me to meet your family. Remember?”

She wasn’t exactly wrong. I hadn’t wanted her to meet them. I didn’t need my daughter thinking that I’d replaced her mother, or for my grandkids to get confused. Carmella wouldn’t be their grandmother. Once she was better, we’d part ways. I’d make sure she had enough to get a new start somewhere, and I’d have my jet take her anywhere in the world she wanted.

I hadn’t really planned for her to meet Isabella and the kids. Yes, my Alabama home was near the Dixie Reapers, but not in the same town. It was close enough for a visit but far enough that Carmella could stay there, and my family would never know.Now you’re being an asshole.

I sighed and tipped my head back, pinching the bridge of my nose. This is why I’d avoided remarrying. Well, that and my one and only love had died. No way I’d ever experience that again. That kind of love only happened once in a lifetime. I’d been lucky to find it the first time. Having it again? Never happen, especially not to a guy like me.

“You’re coming with me, Carmella. I’m not asking. You need help right now.”

“I don’t know why you suddenly care. You haven’t from the beginning. I was just a way to save your precious Isabella, not even good enough to meet her or your grandchildren. I’m your dirty little secret, locked away where no one can find out. You should have just let the tumor kill me.”

I growled and stood so fast the chair fell over. Pointing a finger at her, I tried damn hard not to bare my teeth like a feral beast.

“Stop that shit right now! I told you from the beginning I’d only ever love one woman. You married me anyway.”

“I needed to escape my father and Mexico. Do you think I’d have married a heartless, soulless man if given a choice?” she shot back.

Her barb made a direct hit and I staggered back a step, then turned and walked out. I hadn’t cleared the doorway before I heard her crying. It made my chest hurt again and I rubbed the area. Whether she liked it or not, I wasn’t going to leave her in the care of her bodyguard. She was going home with me, and that was final.

Chapter Three


The rain was pinging off the windows and the trees swayed with the gusts from the incoming storm. Casper had made sure the generator was ready in case we lost power, and he’d stacked logs by the fireplace with more in the garage. I’d lost the battle and the hospital had released me into his care, even made him sign paperwork. They’d all conspired against me. My fingers curled until my nails pressed into my palms. The worst part was how sweet he’d been to me the last three weeks.

I’d been to a local neurologist this morning and gotten the all clear. Even though they’d estimated four weeks of recovery, the doctor had said I could resume most normal activities, including sex. Since Casper had been in the room with me, I’d blushed like the virgin I am and ignored both men. I didn’t have clearance to do anything crazy like go to an amusement park and ride the thrill rides, but it seemed I’d healed quickly with no side effects. Although, I’d been warned that some side effects wouldn’t show for a few weeks or months, so I wasn’t one hundred percent free and clear just yet.

“I gave Mrs. Chambers the night off,” Casper said as he came into the room and sat on the chair across from me. I ignored him and kept watching the rain. Petty, yes. Childish, yes. But I didn’t care.

Casper sighed and looked around the room before returning his gaze to me. I could see him from the corner of my eye, but I hoped he didn’t know I was trying to discreetly observe him.

“Look, Carmella. You can’t stay pissed at me forever. I asked Mrs. Chambers to make enchiladas and tacos for dinner. She even used your rice recipe.”

I snorted. I loved Mrs. Chambers. She was a sweet old woman, but she couldn’t make food spicy enough to suit me. She did try though, so there was that. At least we’d have food to eat if the storm was as bad as they were saying. I’d noticed that Casper had also stocked canned goods, rice, noodles, and a ton of water in crates in a side room off the garage. I’d asked him about it, and he’d said he liked being prepared. He also had a lot of gas for the generator, but I didn’t know if it would be enough to keep the essentials going for more than a day or two.

“You can’t hate me forever,” he said. “I did what was necessary to keep you alive, Carmella.”

“No one asked you to.”

“You are so fucking stubborn!” He slammed his hands down on the arms of the chair, then stood. “Fine. You don’t want me here, I’ll leave you alone. I’ll go stay in the fucking guest house.”

As he stormed from the room, I couldn’t hold back my tears. Did I want him to leave? Not really, but he couldn’t give me the one thing Ididwant from him. He’d spent our marriage regretting that he’d been forced to marry me. I’d spent that time wishing he’d come home, start a life with me, show me what it was like to be a wife in truth. I’d been so stupid, so naïve. The world didn’t work that way. Men like Casper didn’t fall for pathetic women like me.

I stood and made my way through the house. If Casper was going to sleep elsewhere, then there was no point in leaving all the lights on. I could wallow in my bed just as well as downstairs. Flipping the switches one room at a time, my hand froze as I reached for the one in the kitchen. I could have sworn I saw a shadow move past the window. The lights went out. No, not the lights. Everything had gone off. I waited, knowing the generator was prepped and ready, but it never started up.

My heart thundered in my chest as I took a cautious step back and another. I didn’t know why Casper would be around the side of the house, lurking outside the kitchen. There was a faint click, like a lock turning, and then the door off the kitchen opened. A figure in all black crept inside, a gun clutched in his hand, and I knew I was in serious trouble.

Trying to move slowly enough I wouldn’t be noticed, I inched farther back into the shadows of the room behind me. I’d just stepped into total darkness when a hand pressed to my mouth and I went stiff. Then the scent that teased my nose set me at ease.Casper.

“Stay quiet and stay close,” he whispered in my ear.

I nodded that I understood, and he released me. I put my fingers through his belt loop and stayed as close as I could. We made our way through the lower level of the house and up the stairs. When we reached the master bedroom, he opened the closet, popped open a panel and entered a code. A hidden door released, and Casper shoved me inside.

“Stay there and don’t come out. I’ll come back for you when it’s safe.”

“What if you don’t come back?” I asked, my fear growing and clawing at the inside my belly like a living, breathing monster.

He hesitated only a moment. “Passcode is the month, day, and year of your birthday followed by the month and day of our wedding.”
