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“My plans changed. I . . . We . . .” She must’ve noted my aunt approaching, because she frowned and lifted her voice for the general crowd. “It’s quite sudden, isn’t it?” She linked her arm through mine, though she could only reach my lower arm without a stretch that would probably be awkward. Simpering up at me, she continued, “I met Tylik weeks ago, and it was pretty much love at first sight. When he spontaneously proposed, how could I say no?”

How indeed? Actually, she’d proposed to me. Would she share that with our children?

Except she only wanted one child, then a divorce.

I was beginning to have regrets about this already, and not because I wasn’t willing to give her what she asked for.

There was a good chance I could fall in love with my cute little human.



Tylik gave us a ride home after the ball in an elf vehicle straight out of a fairytale. Creatures that looked like unicorns were hitched to the front, though they had wings and took flight as soon as we were seated.

“Why isn’t the carriage dangling from the back of the unicorns?” I asked, excited about being this high off the ground.

He frowned. “They have horns and wings, but they’re not unicorns.”

“Do unicorns actually exist?”

“How could you believe anything else?”

Wow. I shook that idea off for now.

“They’re flisteers,” he said. “And a whisper of magic keeps us level.”

Seyla kept peering out the window before shooting me grins and wiggling her eyebrows in his direction. I understood why. He was super-hot and super-wonderful.

I didn’t have regrets about our agreement, but frankly, I was a bit nervous about moving into his place in a few days. The emotions churning inside me indicated more than a friendly respect for a guy who’d agreed to give me a baby.

The vehicle dropped onto the driveway beside the B&B, and the unicorns clop-clop-clopped up the smooth surface until they reached the walkway leading to the front porch of the big structure, where they stopped.

“Would you mind waiting here?” Tylik asked me. “We have a few things to discuss. I’ll escort your friend to the door and make sure she’s safely inside.”

At my nod, they got out.

“See you inside,” Seyla said with a wiggle of her eyebrows. “I’ll wait up.”

He returned not long after, sliding into the seat beside me.

“So much to do,” he said.

“Off the top of my head . . .” I ticked them off in my mind. “I’ll need a dress. Where will we get married and what kind of ceremony do you want?”

“My aunt will insist we use the ballroom. As for the ceremony, I like the idea of doing something completely human.”

“Alright. We’ll need to order flowers and book a caterer if we can find one.”

“Storm’s a friend. I’ll ask if his restaurant can cater the event for us.”

I nodded, thinking. “We’ll need to pick a menu. I’ll speak to Rylee about a cake.”

Nervous, my swallow didn’t want to go down. “I don’t have a lot of money at the moment to pay for everything.”

“Why would you do so?”

“It’s traditional for the bride and her family to pay. My mom doesn’t have any more money than me. I’m sure she’ll contribute what she can, but it won’t be much. It won’t even cover my gown.”

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