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“Of course.” She smiled and took them from me, hanging them inside the changing room. “Let me know if I can bring you more. We’ve got plenty in your size.”

That was a switch. It wasn’t always easy finding cute stuff for a larger body without having to order online.

“Want my help?” Seyla asked as I started to shut the door. She shot Vrok a look of longing, something I’d never seen on her face before. She once told me she hated being the center of attention, that she wished more guys just wanted to be friends. She’d dated, but she hadn’t been serious with many guys.

“Sure, come on in.” I opened the door wider. “My maid of honor should be inside while I try on dresses.” I watched her face.

Seyla clapped her hands to her cheeks. “Really? Me, your maid of honor?”

I barreled into her, giving her a hug. “Say yes, please.”

“Yes, yes.” She hopped around. “Imagine, a maid of honor. Me!”

I laughed. “Your first task is to help me pick out a few dresses.”

“On it.” She bustled me inside and made faces at her reflection in the mirror.

I tugged off my pants and shirt and shimmied into the first dress.

She did up the back and pivoted me to face the mirror. “Aw, Kate, you look gorgeous.” A scrunch, and she’d swept up my hair. “Wear it like this. You’re so pretty. I’m envious.”

“What?” I gaped at her.

“Your hair, your curvy shape, and the way guys look at you like they want to eat you up.”

I widened my eyes. “Are you talking about me?”

“Get this one,” she said, undoing the dress. “On to the blue. And yes, I’m talking about you, silly. Have you seen how Tylik looks at you?”

“With gratitude?”

“Maybe at first, but I think he likes you. He sees you.”

“That’s a bit scary.”

She dropped the blue dress over my head and fed my arms through the sleeves, then hugged me from behind. “Not scary at all when you’re marrying him.”

“You know why I am.”

She shrugged. “Things can change. You can change.”

“In what way?” I nibbled on my lower lip, staring into the mirror, but not really seeing my reflection. What we’d done yesterday . . . I kept thinking about his touch, his mouth on my breast . . .

My mind skipped along with my friend into a dream world where Tylik and I chose not to get divorced. Where we grew to love each other. Only danger and heartache lay in that direction.

“He looks at you in a good way. Ride with it, as Violet would say.” She crinkled her face at me in the mirror. “Promise me you’ll grab a wonderful opportunity if it’s thrust beneath your nose.”

“I don’t know if I can make that promise.”

“Blue looks good too. Now for the pink.” She bustled me out of the dress and tugged the pink one over my head. “No way. Pepto explosion.” Yanking it over my head, she helped me into a dark green sheath dress. “I know people say redheads shouldn’t wear green, but just like your gown for the ball, this one looks amazing on you.” She tapped my shoulder. “Please see the Kate I do, the one who’s kind to everyone, who makes us laugh, and who deserves the best things in life.”

When I squinted, I kinda saw the same Kate as my friend. Could I let myself bloom?

All I could do is try.

My mind may be changing about what I wanted regarding relationships, and I might want more with Tylik than I should, but he hadn’t indicated he felt the same.

I wasn’t falling in love with him, was I?

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