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Especially since I was alone.

But Kate would be here tonight. She might enjoy sitting by the flames. It could protect her, warm her, and give her joy—all things I wanted to do myself.

“Maybe she doesn’t enjoy fire,” I said to the fireplace.

“I do.”

I turned to find her right behind me. Startled, I stepped backward.

Her smile fell. “Sorry. I knocked, but I guess you didn’t hear me. You said to come in when I got here, not to stand outside, but . . . This is your home.”

I took her hands and tugged her into my arms. “This is your home too.” Now, it would be ours for as long as she remained with me.

“Alright.” She lifted a smile, but it trembled. Was she as nervous about this as me? A week ago, we hadn’t known the other existed. I couldn’t imagine not knowing her, not sharing my life with her.

I was going to be so lonely once she left me.

No, I couldn’t look at it that way. I knew from the start this was a temporary arrangement. It wasn’t her fault I wanted to change the rules.

“Let me help you bring in your things,” I said.

It didn’t take long to carry in her boxes, and my heart hurt to see how few possessions she had.

“I travel light,” she said, her hands twitching. “When Seyla and I moved here, we had to ship our things. It was super expensive, so I was careful to send only what I felt I couldn’t live without.”

“We can retrieve your other possessions.”

“I gave most of them to a thrift store or friends.” Her gaze swept across the four boxes and a case on wheels that must hold her clothing. “Other than the bags holding my new dresses lying across the SUV’s backseat, this is it.”

“I’ll buy you new things, then.”

“I’m going to say yes.” A true grin rose on her face, and my heartache eased. “You know me, always saying no, don’t buy me this or don’t buy me that, but I’ve been talking firmly to myself.”

“What has your inner Kate been saying?” I loved seeing this happy Kate. When she was sad, so was I. Now I wanted to smile and laugh because I’d do it with her.

“She told me I was going to be your wife. That this would be my home and you’d be my husband. That it was okay to accept things from you. That it didn’t mean I was taking it from someone else. Not all the time, that is.”

“Why would me giving you things take them from others?”

“My mom’s exceedingly generous. She would give the shirt off her back to someone in need, as they say. It’s true, though; I’ve seen her do it. I was raised with that thought in mind.”

“Doing without yourself so others might have their needs filled.”


“But what about Kate? She must have needs, ones that shouldn’t be given away.”

She looked up at me, so earnest. “I do have needs.”

“What do you want, Kate?” I said softly.

“You, Tylik. I want you.”



Iwasn’t baring my soul or telling him everything in my heart, though I sensed that day would arrive soon. Love was meant to be shared just like money and possessions, my mom always said. She was right. Holding my feelings inside made them tangle together. I wanted to slip them free and hand them to Tylik no matter what might come from my confession.
