Page 1 of Possession

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Chapter One


Present Day...

When I think of him my first thought is the way his lips feel on me. His burning touch. The trace of heat his fingers leave behind as he caresses every inch of me. He is possessive. Demanding. Controlling. His desire for me consumes every inch of me. Being near him is intoxicating, last night not being the exception. I still smell his scent on my skin.

“Viktor,” I moan.

“Let me show you how much I desire you.”

This is not right. I shouldn’t be here. I swore never to be alone with him again. But I am incapable of resisting his touch. My body craves him, needs him. How can I stay away from a man who makes my body feel alive? A man who owns every inch of me. I don’t dare look at him in his eyes because I know what will be waiting. Instead, my eyes are closed. Trying not to see the fire burning. My fingers are gripping the desk trying to stay grounded. This is so much. Too much.

He takes my shirt off effortlessly. His lips trace the lace of my bra softly biting over it. His saliva feels like hot lava as it touches my skin. The thin layer of fabric does nothing to protect me from the fire he leaves behind. His hand finds the hook of my bra and snaps it with ease, liberating my breasts. He takes his time. Like he has all the time in the world. He doesn’t care that someone can open the door and find me on his desk as he explores, bites, and tastes. A man like him doesn’t have to worry about such things. He acts like the world revolves around him. Everyone follows his orders without question. Lately, I seem to fall on that list.

“Viktor,” I whisper.

“Enjoy the moment.” He bites my earlobe.

His lips find mine again. There is an intensity in the kiss I don’t recognize. He has never taken so much control. I have never felt a desire like this. His hands begin to explore, trying to touch as much skin as he can cover. He commands my body. Even though I want more and to be his, I can’t. I shouldn’t let him claim me. There is so much that stands in our way. I am not ready for a man like Viktor. I don’t think I will ever be. But it’s getting harder and harder to fight whatever is happening between us. I don’t know if I should stay anymore. I should go, damn the consequences.

There is a knock at my door, interrupting my thoughts of the night before. I don’t know if I am upset or relieved. Viktor is not the kind of man I should be thinking about. It does me no good to think of him. He is the kind of man I need to run away from.

“Come in.” The door opens and it’s Mary.

“Hi, Mary.”

“Sorry to interrupt Ms. O’Brien. The car is waiting.”

“Car?” I ask, confused.

“Mr. Manarch called. He wishes you meet him at Gotham.”

“No thanks.” I walk to my closet. Viktor is not going to run my life like he does everything else. Just because we have an arrangement doesn’t mean I have to jump every time he says so. I’m not his puppet.

“He will be angry if you don’t,” Mary adds quietly.

“Let him.” He will be angry. I’m sure of it. He made it clear he detests my defiance. But I know he is lying. I see it in his eyes every time I do. They burn with lust.

“Ms. O’Brien…” Mary starts again.

“You can tell Viktor you told me. Please tell Marco I won’t be going anywhere.”

I exit the overpacked walk-in closet I didn’t ask for. The man wants to control everything, even what I wear. I won’t stand for this. He is not my boss. Well, he kinda is but I am not telling him that. This defiance is going to cost me. But I don’t care. I’m tired of his constant control. If I don’t stand up for myself this is going to be the longest year of my life.

“As you wish.” She says leaving.

It’s still daylight. Since I am not going anywhere I might as well get fresh air. I put on a cashmere sweater. The sweater can pay my light bill and put food on the table for a few weeks. Viktor throws money like it grows on trees. He has no regard for it. But the sweater feels good on my skin. It makes me feel beautiful and cared for.

I can’t believe a few months ago I was looking out the window in my bedroom wishing for excitement. Now I am wishing things would be boring. Wishing to be anywhere else but here. I am not sure this was a good idea. He is gaining more from this arrangement than I am. Not to mention that he has all the power whether I want to admit it or not.

There is one thing that excites me about this damn mansion. There is a beautiful garden in the backyard. There is a pond with a waterfall. It makes me feel like I am in my private botanical garden. It’s peaceful. I don’t need to think or worry about a thing. I can escape my reality even if just for a moment. I don’t think of Dad or his gambling. I don’t think about Viktor. But if I am honest, it’s a lie. I think about why would someone like him lend my dad, the gambler, one hundred thousand dollars when Dad doesn’t have a penny to his name. I think about Viktor’s hands all over me. I think about being in his bed. This man is going to drive me crazy.

“I ordered you to meet me at Gotham.” A deep voice says behind me. I don’t need to turn to know it is Viktor. My body is screaming for him. But I won’t move. I won’t let him have his way. I won’t give him the satisfaction. I will stand my ground.

“I am not going,” I don’t turn when I speak. If I do it will be game over for me.

“It wasn’t a suggestion. Get dressed. We are leaving in ten.”
